
Could anyone give me an example of how to generate Java classes from XSD files and how to use them later for reading XML files?

In our project we are using XSD2JavaGenerator, and later this to read the data:

    XMLDocument xmlDoc = XMLHelper.INSTANCE.load(inputStream, 
"http://www.pl.ibm.com/esb/config";, null);
    ConnectionsList sdoConnectionsList = (ConnectionsList) 

where ConnectionsList is a generated Java interface.

This used to work with Tuscany SDO M2 release, but now we get this error:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
    org.apache.tuscany.sdo.impl.AnyTypeDataObjectImpl cannot be cast to

Is there any "init" call we should make prior to this, or maybe we should take some totally different approach?

I couldn't find any working example of this in your samples (only dynamic API is used there, that is, DataObject obj = xmlDoc.getRootObject()).


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