Hi Simon,

My colleague Jürgen and I did some further testing using the same codebase 
(upodated today):

- he used mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse to create the eclipse project
- I set up the eclipse project manually

His project runs fine, mine has the known issues. The only difference in both 
projects is the classpath
- the mvn generated project uses project references and jars
- my project uses the Tuscany lib (that means every jar in 

Any ideas what could be wrong using the lib? 


For a better understanding, could you please elaborate on the files 
workspace.xml. domain.composite and cloud.composite ?
What are the differences and what are the files used for? 

Can the calculator sample already be used for failover (e.g. by starting 
multiple instances of LaunchCalculatorNodeC) or is failover only running in 
your local sandbox?

Thanks a lot.


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