Abraham Washington wrote:
hi all, i have a service that has a reference to another service.� so,
> in my impl class there's a setter method for the reference.�� when the
> app is deployed, the wsdl generates the setter method operation, thus
> making it available to be invoked (not a good thing).�
is there a way around this ?
thx abe

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Hi Abe,

Can you explain what your app is doing in some more detail - maybe post some code and the composite file?

If you have declared a reference in your code, with a setter method, then I would expect the setter method to get called at runtime with the reference proxy for the target service that you configure in your composite file.

For the setter method to get included in the WSDL generated for the service offered by the component, then:

a) presumably you are not marking the service offered by the implementation code, so that the defaulting process is happening
- you do this by using the @Service annotation

b) also, I suspect that your class does not say something like

public fooClass implements barInterface {

- since the default service generation will look at the barInterface to generate the WSDL for the service. If there is no "implements" clause then the SCA code has little to go on as to which methods should be included. In this case, as the SCA Java Client & Implementation specification says:

"If none of the implemented interfaces is remotable, then by default the implementation offers a single service whose type is the implementation class."

I recommend that you consider using one of the above techniques to control which class methods are used for the operations of the Service interface.

Yours, Mike.

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