You might have run into a java.lang.Error (such as NoClassDefFoundError). Use the try {...} catch (Throwable e) {...} to trap it.

From: "Tomasz Klukowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 2:01 PM
To: <>
Subject: SDO in Eclipse Plug-in

I want to make an Eclipse Plug-in that uses Apache Tuscany SDO library.
Unfortunatelly I've come into a severe problem that I can't overcome. I've tried many different things but nothing has worked and I'm very desperete for any help.
Here's a description of my problem:

At the moment of calling SDOUtil.createHelperContex() the execution of the calling method stops. Nothing happens and no exception is thrown. For example calling of this method causes nothing more than writing "look!" on the console:

void exmp() {
 System.out.println("I'm on TV!");

A similar problem is with HelperProvider.getDefaultContext().

I suppose the problem is that not all needed libraries are loaded\initialized as I run the project as the Eclipse Plug-in. When I used the SDO-Tuscany in application compiled as the SWT Application everything worked fine!

Is there any way to make the SDO-Tuscany library work in an Eclipse Plug-in?

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