This is all incredible feedback.
Thanks everyone for responding and commenting on a blog...

Peter, Mike
what would be a reasonable first step in trying to work towards a
JBI/SCA solution?
Realizing that some work i.e. papers have already been written on how
such a solution could work.

If anybody out there interested in seeing how Tuscany and open ESB
could possibly integrate together?

I know I would be...

On 5/19/08, Peter Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Edwards wrote:
> <snip>
>> It is curious in some ways that Sun saw value in building runtimes for
>> composite applications and have pursued the JBI specification for
>> about the same length of time as the OSOA collaboration of companies
>> developed the SCA specifications.
> Actually we started before OSOA.
> ..and yes JBI is for middleware builders. I've never said anything to
> the contrary.
>>   The hole in that approach is that JBI is really a specification for
>> runtime builders (read "vendors"), providing little in the way of a
>> model for building applications, which is what customers really care
>> about.  Sun would do well to recognise this and adopt SCA as the
>> application layer which can sit above a JBI runtime.
> We may ...and will SCA platform vendors employ JBI? That could enable an
> ecosystem of engine/binding offerings based on an open standard as
> opposed to the vendor dominated one I heard described at the panel.
> Peter.

Jeff Anderson

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