On 18/07/19 10:08 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
On 17/07/2019 21:01, David L Neil wrote:

One line offers plenty of space to exert a claim (such can be very
simple and does not need to be lawyer-speak!) which should also refer to
the template's/package's external file or web-page.

Yes, I've seen that and if the lawyer speak is very verbose its
a good compromise.

Aside from possibly irritating 'the good guys', does such really 'stop'
a determined rapscallion?

Nothing will stop a determined rapscallion(love that phrase! ;-)
But it lets the good guys know who to contact at least if they
do need to.
For example, in my last book the publishers required me to
get a disclaimer from the author of some open source files
even though they clearly stated they could be used for any
purpose. Having the copyright notice with email link made
that easy.

Open source:
I've had the same - even for short "shazzam" or "drum-roll-please" sound-clips (which advertisers use all the time - who can name the pieces of music without saying "The lady loves Milk Tray" or "British Airways"?). That said, internationally there are many definitions and variations of "fair use" - and some jurisdictions don't even recognise such a thing! (I think the British law is quite 'tight').

I refused such a request?instruction, suggesting that the publishers AND their lawyers should enter 'the real world' and learn to understand (?and embrace) "open" concepts. In response to the inevitable grumpy push-back, I pointed-out that I am an author/content-producer and not legally-trained (not quite true, but they don't know that) so why on earth would they take MY advice...

Another one is 'images', which as a keen (amateur) photographer I readily understand from both 'sides' - which simply meant that in a fit of pique at the aforementioned KYA-bureaucrats, I made a point of copyrighting EVERY training diagram/illustration/code-snippet that I produced and then REQUIRED 'the blighters' to license them from me... (yet insisted that such be 'free' for trainees to download for their own use) Hah!

Closed source:
I was once contacted by someone who had hold of a small system I'd written way back in the mists-of-time. How, they ever obtained it, I can't imagine. The 'license' clearly said "no license", but he wanted to negotiate - which was great (although sadly, the client still "owned" the software, so no 'winning the lottery' for me then!)

Regards =dn
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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