On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 16:20, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> Does anyone here have pointers to freely-distributable maps that we can
> alter and included in Tux Paint?  (Or, in the end, as a separate download.)

It'd have to be a separate download unless you want
to get Tux Paint banned in several countries, complete
with imprisonment for anyone caught distributing it.
You can not satisfy country A without offending country B.

Also, this screams out for letting teachers generate
the maps from a vector representation. Then they can

a. location, extents, and projection
b. international and state border thicknesses
   (set state to 0 if those are undesired)
c. highlighted region
d. highlight method (suppress outside states, shading, etc.)
e. language for labels
f. size and font for label text
g. marking of major cities, or not

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