Duncan McGreggor wrote:
> In that ticket, I linked to the notes and IRC log of our chat:
>   http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/XMPPServerArchitecture

That sounds really, really good. Twisted seems to be pretty much the
only Python project that realizes that XMPP can be used for other things
that just Jabber.

A while ago I started working on an MusicPD-like jukebox server that
would use XMPP streams to connect between clients and servers, and
between different jukebox servers. I actually implemented the
server-side component of c2s. It's a very dirty hack but it works, and
when I wrote it I also added comments on how it could perhaps some day
be integrated into Twisted. Maybe it is of some use to you?


It works. If you want to test it out, grab my jukebox server and client,
drop that xmppserver.py file in the jukebox server directory and run the
server, then the client.

Jukebox server: http://svn.jejik.com/viewvc.cgi/jukebox/jukebox/
Jukebox client: http://svn.jejik.com/viewvc.cgi/jukebox/jukebox-gtk/

The xmppserver.py likely needs a thorough rewrite, but it's running code
and that's often an easier starting point that nothing at all.

Sander Marechal
Twisted-Jabber mailing list

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