On 2012-04-12 06:11, bino oetomo wrote:
Dear All ...

Previousely my station (Ubuntu Lucid) work like a charm on connecting to
my OpenFire Server

I manage to do dist-upgrade to Maverick, and Now my Twistd script failed
to connect to my OpenFire server.

Here is the log said

I didn't do any change on the script.

Kindly please tell me how to fix the problem, or what to look.

From the look of the log, it looks like something is up with the lookup of the XMPP SRV DNS records. But, without your script and/or details on the server, I cannot say anything beyond that.

You might want to set XMPPClient.logTraffic to True in your script, to get a trace of the XMPP traffic itself.

It would be interesting to know if your script does connect properly to other servers. Also, does the script at <https://mailman.ik.nu/pipermail/twisted-jabber/2010-August/000330.html>, run with twistd -ny, show the same behavior?

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