Great body of work here TjL, thanks for sharing. Good examples for people
wanting to get up and running with the API.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 2:00 AM, TjL <> wrote:

> What is a "TwitReport"?
> Well, you know the "new follower" emails that you get?
> They aren't very useful, are they? I mean it's nice to know that
> you've got a new follower, but it doesn't tell you anything about
> them.  So what do you do?
> You could click on the page and see if they are someone you want to
> follow but -- Oops, look, they have their updates protected. Or all
> they post is links to their website about how to profit from the new
> social media scene.
> Etc.
> Wouldn't it be nice to get a quick look at their 'stats'? How many
> followers / friends / posts they have? When did they join Twitter? On
> average, how often do they post?  How many of those posts, on average,
> are @replies?
> Did they post anything for their Bio, Location, or Website?
> Can I see their last 20 updates so I can see if they seem interesting?
> 1) Who else do they follow who I follow?
> 2) Who else follows them who I follow?
> 3) Who else follows both me and this new person?
> If they look like a spammer, how about showing me the Block URL?
> For that matter, why not show me their Twitter avatar/icon/picture, I
> might not recognize their name, but I might recognize their picture.
> Well, that's what TwitReport tells you, all right in your email, so
> you can look them over at your leisure, even on the go (the emails are
> formatted to work well on an iPhone [including the picture] and should
> work on other mobile devices as well).
> (You can find out more including how to use it at
> and/or follow @twitreport at
> )
> That's the "What".
> The "How" is all done on the commandline, using standard Unix tools:
> curl, sed, grep, etc.
> In fact I've amassed a little collection of scripts designed to answer
> the question "How to do basic things on Twitter via the commandline".
> What to see everyone who follows you who you don't follow?
> What to see everyone who you follow who doesn't follow you?
> Want to "balance" your followers, that is, follow everyone who is
> following you and unfollow everyone who isn't?
> Want to be able to favorite the last update that someone posted just
> by using their name? [*]
> I coded up a bunch of these, including some with no real practical use
> ("Want to fav the last 20 posts that someone made?"), some that can be
> easily re-used (validate that a given input is a real twitter user,
> convert a Twitter ID to a Twitter Name), along with the script that
> powers twitreport, and put them all up here
> in the hopes that they might be of some use to someone
> TjL
> [*] why? two reasons: 1) Twitterrific pops up, I can cmd+tab to
> Terminal and fav it on the commandline. NO MOUSE NEEDED. Also, 2) I
> can KNOW that it went through. My satellite connection is kinda flaky
> sometimes, so my script will read back the tweet that I fav'd to make
> sure that it was the right one and to confirm that it went through

Doug Williams

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