User name changes are fairly rare, but a real concern nonetheless. A
cache with an expiry of a day should be sufficient to guarantee most
of your cache hits are successful and valid.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 1:26 PM, TjL <> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Nick Arnett <> wrote:
>> Question for the folks at Twitter - any stats on how often people
>> change their screen names?  In another thread, we were talking about
>> the problem of resolving IDs to names... I'm refreshing my user data
>> for lots of users every few days, in large part to catch screen name
>> changes.  I could start keeping track of the changes, but I have not
>> done so yet.
> Excellent question, I was just wondering that myself.
>> Intuition suggests that users would rarely change their screen names,
>> especially if they are active.  Do you have any data to support this?
> Anecdotally, I've seen a few-but-rare name changes in the people I
> follow on Twitter.
>> Come to think of it, an API call that would give us names changed
>> since a certain date would be very useful for avoiding the need to
>> check everybody.  Even better, return friend or follower names changed
>> since a date.
> Seems like the former would be easier to provide than the latter.
> It'd be nice if would redirect names (i.e. if you go to
> it would tell you/direct you to
> for awhile too, but that's another issue and
> possibly more hassle than it's worth.
> TjL

Doug Williams

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