Hi all...

I don't know if anyone else has noticed this lately, but there has been a lot 
of spam on my blog as of late even though non-AJAX commenting is disabled 
*and* anti-spam is enabled.

Although the spam is completely useless -- it doesn't even contain a link to 
any site -- I'm sure it's only a matter of time until they figure out how to 
create links. :-/

There are a lot of trackback spams lately too.  The worst thing is that I have 
30 on one article in under a minute, and they're all from different IP 
addresses (hence blacklisting is futile.)


             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Web site: http://trypticon.org/
   GPG Fingerprint: 9EEB 97D7 8F7B 7977 F39F  A62C B8C7 BC8B 037E EA73

Attachment: pgpYG1aiAgjsF.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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