> I want to discuss how I can make my content elements with gifbuilder. I
> have
> normal text content elements on few pages, content elements which I want
> to
> render as images with specific fonts.

Example for <h2> elements which are defined in the 'header' field of a
content element with 'layout' set to Layout2:

lib.stdheader.10.2 >
lib.stdheader.10.2 = COA
lib.stdheader.10.2 {
  2 = IMAGE
  2 {
    altText.stdWrap.field = header
    stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = header_link
    file = GIFBUILDER
    file {
      XY = [10.w]+10,28
      transparentBackground = 1
      10 = TEXT
      10 {
        text.field = header
        offset = 5,20
        fontFile = fileadmin/templates/res/ChaparralPro-Semibold2.ttf
        fontSize = 24
        fontColor = #9d495d
        niceText = 0

Example for <h2> which is set in the RTE:

lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.encapsLinesStdWrap.H2 {
  setContentToCurrent = 1
  cObject = IMAGE
  cObject {
    altText.stdWrap.current = 1
    file = GIFBUILDER
    file {
      XY = [10.w]+10,28
      transparentBackground = 1
      10 = TEXT
      10 {
        text.current = 1
        offset = 5,20
        fontFile = fileadmin/templates/res/ChaparralPro-Semibold2.ttf
        fontSize = 24
        fontColor = #9d495d
        niceText = 0

This does not support multi-line text, but you obviously found an example
to add support for that :-)

Hopefully this helps a bit.


Jigal van Hemert.

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