Hello Wolfgang,

>> I get these messages also, and I did not considered that to be a
>> problem, because everything works...
> Oh, but this *is* a problem. It is not the normal output of that
> command.

Yeah, I agree, it was a problem, but this is what I meant: During
debugging it was not related to the problem I was debugging, therefor
I considered it was no problem (for me) at that time...

>>> I will look into it, but I want to make clear that it is not something
>> I broke with my patches.
> OK. But it is an unsolved problem.

No, it was already solved in latest git. I started debugging on a 2
week old git version which did not contain that fix.
Markus pointed us already to the fix.
However, the fix in mainline was not complete, therefor I made a patch
to make it complete... (should be in your mailbox)

>> I have tested with USB sticks in the range of 256 MB up to 8 GB.
>> So, the size should not matter. I tested FAT16 and FAT32.
> Indeed, size should not matter at all. Also, the file system type
> should not matter at all at this stage.

No, but the weird thing is that I had (new) USB sticks in the
beginning that only started to work after a reformat... Very strange,
but true.
Now (with my USB patches) these issues are solved, and it makes no
difference anymore...

> Partitioning might have in influence int he later steps [even though
> it should not, i. e. any issues popping up there are more items on the
> list of things that need to be fixed].


Kind Regards,

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