I just had a look at other ARM implementations of timer.c.

Some have a colourful mix of 32 and 64 bits values, resulting
in some 64 bit timer functions returning the upper 32 bits always

Some implement udelay() in the "while (xxxtime() < endtime);" variant.

I will fix this for at91 and submit a patch.

I also see that:

void reset_timer(void)
        gd->timer_reset_value = get_ticks();

ulong get_timer(ulong base)
        return tick_to_time(get_ticks() - gd->timer_reset_value) - base;

If implemented with true 64 bits for get_ticks() that function is useable
for timeout programming:

        ulong timeval = get_timer (0);

        do {
        } while (get_timer (timeval) < TIMEOUT);

It appears that the "base" parameter and return value is in CONFIG_SYS_HZ
units, and not in native ticks. That causes 64 bit mul/div every
time get_timer() is called. Won't hurt in a timeout loop, though.

I guess the theoretically unnecessary function reset_timer() might have been
invented to mask the issue of 32 bit wraparounds when get_timer() is not truly
64 bits???

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