Dear colleagues,

you are invited to submit papers to the 1st Workshop on Evolutionary 
Game Theory for Learning in MAS (EGTMAS 2003). For more details: .

EGTMAS 2003 will be organised within the second International Conference 
on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems in Melbourne, Australia. 
Prospective participants  must register for the AAMAS 2003 conference. 
The number of participants is strictly limited.

The aim of the workshop is to start a forum on the theoretical modeling 
of learning in MAS.  Evolutionary Game Theory can be used as a framework 
for analyzing, designing and optimizing MAS. EGT describes how boundedly 
rational agents can make decisions in complex environments, in which 
they interact with other agents. Bounded rationality means that agents 
are limited in their computational resources, in their ability to reason 
and have limited information. In such complex environments software 
agents must be able to learn from their environment and adapt to its 
non-stationarity. As a consequence, the computational method of 
simulating this learned behaviour becomes very important.

This workshop focuses on the role of EGT as a tool for the analysis of 
learning and adaptation in these complex environments.

Contributions should be relevant to the problem of  learning in MAS 
through game theoretic approaches. Specific areas of  interest are (but 
not limited to):

  1.. Formal theories for Learning using EGT
    a.. Single agent and multi agent reinforcement learning
    b..  Population Dynamics
    c..  Methodologies for modeling social behavior
  2.. MAS-applications using (E)GT models
    a..  Applications: Auctions, Job-scheduling, Telecom-applications, 
    b..  Models: Social societies (e.g. Homo Egualis, Homo Reciprocans), 
Replicator Dynamics
  3.. Agent-based computational economics
Those wishing to present should (electronically) submit a full-scale 
paper, not longer than 8 pages (references and figures included) to 

The deadline for submission of contribution is april 2nd, 2003. For 
detailed formatting instructions please refer to the relevant page of 
the AAMAS'03 conference. All contributions will be reviewed and in case 
of acceptance published in the workshop proceedings of the AAMAS'03 

Important dates are: 
      Submission deadline - april 2nd, 2003
      Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - april 30th, 2003
      Submission of camera-read copy - may 15th, 2003

Furthermore, if you have any inquiry please do not hesitate to contact 
the organisers.

Looking forward to meeting you all at EGTMAS '03 and AAMAS '03.

Katja, Han and Karl.

Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo)
Department of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels

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