Dear Hung,

    Thank you for your illuminating analyses of the Valentina 
example,and your comments regarding the theory of random fuzzy sets. 
Your high expertise in both probability theory and fuzzy logic is in 

    Regarding the Bayesian approach outlined by Aleks Jakulin, I should 
like to add the following. First, the conditioning information is 
perception-based and not quantifiable. Specifically, how would wrinkles, 
for example, be dealt with? Furthermore, if my perception is that 
Valentina is young, how would the Bayesian approach apply? If a 
subjective probability distribution is associated with young, what would 
be the probability distribution associated with not young? We could 
apply random sets to this example but fuzzy logic would be much simpler 
to use.

    Clearly, the power of probabilistic methods is enhanced when we move 
from point-valued discrete probability distributions to set-valued 
discrete probability distributions, that is, to random sets. The power 
is enhanced further when we move from random sets to random fuzzy sets, 
as you do. Please note that in my 1979 paper "Fuzzy Sets and Information 
Granularity," Advances in Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, M. Gupta, 
R. Ragade and R. Yager (eds.), 3-18. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing 
Co., 1979 (available upon request), I employed random fuzzy sets to 
generalize the Dempster-Shafer framework. However, moving from random 
sets to random fuzzy sets is not sufficient. What has to be done is 
moving from random fuzzy sets to granule-valued distributions, as 
described in my paper "Generalized Theory of Uncertainty 
(GTU)--Principal Concepts and Ideas," in Computational Statistics & Data 
Analysis 51, 15-46, 2006. Downloadable: or 
available upon request. The concept of a granule is more general than 
the concept of a fuzzy set. A granule is characterized by a generalized 
constraint. In my view, this level of generalization is needed to 
enhance the power of probability theory to a point where it can deal 
with the examples given in my messages. Try the following: Most Swedes 
are much taller than most Italians. What is the difference in the 
average height of Swedes and the average height of Italians? A solution 
is given in my GTU paper.

    Theory of random fuzzy sets enriches probability theory but not to a 
point where it can be said, as you do, that randomness and fuzziness can 
coexist in the framework of probability theory. Many other problems 
remain. One of them, as is pointed out in my JSPI paper, which is cited 
in my previous message, is that in dealing with imprecise probabilities 
we have to deal in addition with imprecise events, imprecise functions, 
imprecise relations and other imprecise dependencies. More importantly, 
a basic problem is that almost all concepts in probability theory are 
bivalent, e.g, events A and B are either independent or not independent, 
a process is either stationary or nonstationary, an event either occurs 
or does not occur, with no shades of truth allowed. In reality, these 
and other concepts are not bivalent--they are a matter of degree. It may 
take a long time for this to happen, but I have no doubt that eventually 
it will be recognized that bivalent logic is not the right kind of logic 
to serve as a foundation for probability theory.

    You have made and are continuing to make important contributions to 
both probability theory and fuzzy logic, and building bridges between 
them. Please continue to do so.

             With my warm regards,

Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)

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