Dear colleagues,

Please consider participating in the following workshop at this year's ECML
PKDD conference.

*Uncertainty meets Explainability in Machine Learning *- Tutorial &
Workshop (Combined Event)

@ *ECML-PKDD 2023* (European Conference in Machine Learning)
Turin, Italy, September 18-22, 2023

*** *Call for papers* 
* Paper submission due June 12, 2023
* Acceptance notification due July 12, 2023
* Event @ ECML-PKDD 2023: September 22, 2023


Machine learning systems have become increasingly popular in crucial
high-stakes fields, such as healthcare and finance. To be effective in
these domains, the models must not only make precise predictions but also
provide relevant explanations for those predictions. To achieve this goal,
there has been a substantial research effort in recent years to develop
techniques that explain black-box models and create models that are
interpretable by design.

Simultaneously, there is a growing emphasis on machine learning models that
account for uncertainty. Decision-making systems can encounter
uncertainties stemming from different origins, each offering a distinct
perspective. For instance, aleatoric uncertainty arises from the inherent
randomness of the prediction, while epistemic uncertainty arises from the
insufficient amount of data. In general, incorporating uncertainty enhances
a model’s reliability by allowing it to acknowledge scenarios where it
lacks the necessary knowledge to make an accurate prediction.

The intersection of explainability and uncertainty has drawn attention for
its potential to combine these domains towards Trustworthy ML. Some notable
innovative approaches include: developing interpretability methods for
probabilistic models, quantifying the uncertainty of explanations, and
explaining the sources of uncertainty.

The primary goal of this full-day event, consisting of a Tutorial and a
Workshop, is to jointly explore how explainability and uncertainty can be
leveraged to build robust and trustworthy AI systems. The tutorial (morning
session) will establish the foundation for (a) uncertainty modelling and
(b) explainability in machine learning. Then, the workshop (afternoon
session) will delve into innovative techniques at the intersection of these
two domains.


We invite submissions from researchers interested in Interpretable Machine
Learning (IML) and/or Uncertainty Quantification, for our Workshop. The
scope of the topics covers all types of data (tabular, text, images, etc.)
and all types of ML models. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary
work that lies on the intersection of explainability and uncertainty.

The workshop’s topics of interest include (but not limited to) methods and
applications on:

   - Intersection of Explainability and Uncertainty:
      - Explainability methods that produce uncertain explanations
      - Explainability for probabilistic ML models
      - Explainability on Bayesian Models
      - Explainability on Ensemble Methods
      - Identifying and explaining the sources of uncertainty
      - Interpretable-by-design models that incorporate uncertainty
   - Explainability:
      - XAI and IML (Interpretable Machine Learning)
      - Counterfactual Explanations
      - Global and Local Explainability Techniques
      - Interpretable-by-design models
      - Adversarial Attacks on explainability methods
      - Stability of explainability methods
      - AI model robustness and explainability
      - Explaining trade-offs between objectives, such as effectiveness,
      bias, uncertainty
      - Explainability and privacy
      - Explainability and fairness


*** *Submission guidelines ****


   *Full Papers:* Suitable for novel contributions related to
   Explainability and/or Uncertainty. This can include a novel method or new
   insights on these two fields that would be valuable for the community.
   Please note that the page limit for the paper is 14 pages, excluding

   *Extended Abstracts:* Suitable for discussing novel ideas related to
   Explainability and/or Uncertainty. This can include open research
   challenges or industrial applications to foster discussion among panelists
   and facilitate future collaborations. The page limit for the extended
   abstract is 2-4 pages, excluding references.

   *Abstracts of already published work:* Suitable for discussing
   previously published work related to Explainability and/or Uncertainty. The
   page limit for the extended abstract is 2, excluding references.

Post-workshop proceedings will be published by Springer Communications in
Computer and Information Science 
They will be organized by focused scope and possibly indexed by WOS.
However, authors can choose *to opt-in or opt-out*.


*** *Organizing Committee ****
Vasilis Gkolemis 
 Harokopio University of
Athens, Greece
Christos Diou 
 Harokopio University of Athens,

Viktor Bengs 
LMU, Germany
Eyke Hullermeier,
Willem Waegeman 
University, Belgium

Dr. Christos Diou
Assistant Professor
Department of Informatics and Telematics
Harokopio University of Athens
Omirou 9, Athens, 17778, GREECE
T : +30-210-9549-449
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