dear Lenin bhaiya,
hw to do that edit? using live cd?
and where can I find tht xml file?
i know it's a silly qn, but plz tell me the way as I still dnt knw much abt 
Ubuntu.. have a long way to go wth Ubuntu..

and abt the resolution of my monitor, I use it in Windows, no prob yet.
and I guess my black out prob occured coz I enabled 'blur' in effects.

thnx bhaiya.

From: Lenin <>
To: Ubuntu Bangladesh <>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:53:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BD] how to install intel G31 graphics driver

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 1:26 PM, nazmul mahmud <>wrote:

> thanks a lot, bhaiya...
> after mailing here yesternight, I tried uninstalling the nvidia soft from
> the synaptic coz it was previously installed when I had my nvidia graphics
> card in my old CPU.
> when i restarted my pc, the display was totally ok and compiz was working
> fine.
> nw I configured my screen resolution to 1152*864 at 75 Hz (my monitor is
> 17" samsung CRT, though it was showing 16" in the display window) coz at
> this resolution, the display looks good to me. The display and compiz were
> still working fine.
> but after that when I restarted again, my desktop comes and starts to be
> black with my mouse click. whatever I click, it gets black. in this process,
> I whole display gets black within 5 to 7 seconds. I have nothing to do here.
> I logged in to the recovery mode (from the boot menu) and tried the recover
> my graphics (probably it is xfix).
> but no solution when I log on to my ubuntu again.

Did you enable simple compiz config with your settings?

Did you try 1152x864 with Windows also? Is it your monitor's supported? is
the refresh rate safe for your monitor?

The blackout happened with my HP520 and happens if I enable the
*blur*option on the simple compiz config. I came around by editing the
.gnome and
.gnome-settings something like these... inside those folders I edited the
settings xml files and eliminated the blur containing tag and it came back

As a matter of fact I must also tell you that I have lots of alternatives to
login. 1. gnome two users with admin priviledge 2. KDE 3. Xfce 4 openbox

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