Olá, estou tendo dificuldades para configurar o analógico direito do

Já tentei o jscal, jstest e nada do sistema reconhecer o segundo analógico.
Ao utilizá-lo ele reflete os botões 1,2,3 e 4.
Rodei o evtest nele e o resultado foi este:

Select the device event number [0-10]: evtest /dev/input/js0
Input driver version is 1.0.1
Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x2563 product 0x523 version 0x110
Input device name: "ShanWan USB WirelessGamepad "
Supported events:
  Event type 0 (EV_SYN)
  Event type 1 (EV_KEY)
    Event code 288 (BTN_TRIGGER)
    Event code 289 (BTN_THUMB)
    Event code 290 (BTN_THUMB2)
    Event code 291 (BTN_TOP)
    Event code 292 (BTN_TOP2)
    Event code 293 (BTN_PINKIE)
    Event code 294 (BTN_BASE)
    Event code 295 (BTN_BASE2)
    Event code 296 (BTN_BASE3)
    Event code 297 (BTN_BASE4)
    Event code 298 (BTN_BASE5)
    Event code 299 (BTN_BASE6)
  Event type 3 (EV_ABS)
    Event code 0 (ABS_X)
      Value    127
      Min        0
      Max      255
      Flat      15
    Event code 1 (ABS_Y)
      Value    128
      Min        0
      Max      255
      Flat      15
    Event code 2 (ABS_Z)
      Value    127
      Min        0
      Max      255
      Flat      15
    Event code 5 (ABS_RZ)
      Value    128
      Min        0
      Max      255
      Flat      15
    Event code 16 (ABS_HAT0X)
      Value      0
      Min       -1
      Max        1
    Event code 17 (ABS_HAT0Y)
      Value      0
      Min       -1
      Max        1
  Event type 4 (EV_MSC)
    Event code 4 (MSC_SCAN)
Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
Event: time 1502151061.618472, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 2 (ABS_Z), value 128
Event: time 1502151061.618472, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 0 (ABS_X), value 128
Event: time 1502151061.618472, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------

Desde já agradeço se alguém puder me ajudar nesta questão.

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