Mr. Herman,

I'm inside Ubuntu movement to help, but for now I just not upgrade my box to

I need some help  to upgrade to Feisty from Internet ( unfortunately my home
dir. IS IN Ubuntu partition not outside - to perform a clean install of
Ubuntu 7  ).

Maybe a path to Ubuntu Feisty repo's can help.

Work for next Ubuntu advance fast, but if  Wine  will  be considered  as a
strong key  for Ubuntu  -  we  need a  Wine - Ubuntu  dedicated team to
perform specific  tests, to find answers.

Unfortunately not many peoples work now with ( Adobe ) Macromedia Studio 8
products under Wine, even that a lot are interested.

I am one of them - I want to cooperate - I find only 2-3 annoyances (not
bugs) for Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks.. such as slow rendering of UI
elements after I boxes movement on the screen and some listboxes that not
respond  at mouse click ( on FIreworks 8).

That's all that I find,  else  all work  great, almost perfect.  But  now
working with  Edgy  I  observe  FLA  files saved under Ubuntu .. dont work
in Windows - back to Ubuntu work again. This never happen with Dapper. And
this is strange. Other guys working  under other Linux distributions with
Flash 8 did not observe that. So is an Ubuntu specific bug, not wine.
Other strange thing on Edgy  -> sometime programs started with WIne - crash
Nautilius Desktop -> from wine 0.9.24 to last wine 0.9.26. This is not so
easy to reproduce - is a random crash - only when he want ( ! ).

I will test wine for feisty - but for now my only Wine repo'  is for Edgy.
My wine version :  0.9.26.

If you can provide  me  a  link  or  an  adress  to  set  one  repository
for Wine ( on Feisty ) - will help me.

On the other hand, I will request some help from Wine guys - maybe is better
to slow development in favor of fix problems before next step ;). Hope they
will have time to fix rendering problems. On the same time I hope a stable
Gnome Desktop for Feisty, not just fancy bells, because I dream in one day
to implement here Ubuntu for production Office / DTP / Design for Web.

Good Luck.

2006/11/29, Stephan Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Nemes,
> could you please test latest feisty upload of wine (0.9.25) if this
> happens again?
> Regards,
> \sh
> --
> [Edgy] Consistent segfault when starting wine

Nemes Ioan Sorin

[Edgy] Consistent segfault when starting wine

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