On ven, 2009-07-03 at 10:10 +0200, Vincenzo Ciancia wrote:
> On gio, 2009-07-02 at 21:03 -0400, Evan wrote:
> > Coincidentally, Bryce recently posted a couple of blog posts dealing
> > with "Me too" storms on launchpad [1]+[2] which are related.
> > 
> > 
> They want their problem fixed, they can do nothing, they feel
> frustrated, plus, they are used to small groups or blogs where "me too
> likes the sun" is ok to be posted. They are newbies. They don't even
> know why it is wrong at all.
> So why not starting by putting a sentence above the text comment that
> says "please don't post me too statements: if the most important thing
> in your post is a me too kind of statement, please don't post it; use
> the "this bug affects me too" link at the bottom of the page to add
> yourself to the counter". With a link to a short page of good
> bug-reporting tips. "Post-it education".

I just saw that Bryce noticed this too: in


he said

        "in the form of the "This bug doesn't affect me (change)" text
        and link on every bug. [...] Another issue is that the link just
        isn't that noticeable. I'll leave it to usability experts to
        work out how best to improve it, but it definitely needs a
        re-think so it's a bit more obvious, especially for casual
        launchpad visitors."

And here is an ineresting comment:

        "Launchpad should have a mee-too counter first. Currently even
        if I use the "This bug affects me too" link, I don't have any
        feedback about the amount of people affected in total. So it's
        quite useless now. Seeing the "me-too" counter increase will
        certainly appeal to many mee-tooers :)"
Can the bugs be sorted by "me too"? Searched for with a treshold? This
is getting offtopic here.



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