
Install karmic and start packaging. Then you will discover this: dch
will use karmic as default, but new packages target either lucid or
karmic-proposed. lintian does not know lucid. They may be other package,
wich are not aware of lucid. Here is my idea to solve this issue:

Introduce a ubuntu-releases package. This package will have a list of
all known Ubuntu releases. A small script will give you the needed
information, based on the releases list and the current date. Examples:

returns the running series (same as lsb_release -sc)

ubuntu-release -d
returns the current development series (now it would be lucid)

ubuntu-release -s
returns the latest stable series (currently it would be karmic)

ubuntu-release --lts
returns the latest stable lts release (currently hardy)

ubuntu-release --supported
returns a list of all supported series

lintian, dch, and other tools would use ubuntu-release instead of using
hardcoded values. Then only one package needs an update, if Mark
announce the next codename. I am willing to write this script and to
maintain it.

What do you think about it?

Benjamin Drung
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Maintainer (www.debian.org)

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