I'm still a little shocked that F-Spot is still included by default. Any
software developer or any geek with a basic understanding of software
development and programming knows that F-Spot is one of the worst
examples of programming code/platform. To put it simply, it's shocking
and to be honest I won't have a piece of it.

I'm a photographic imaging professional and I use too many imaging apps
to list here, but F-Spot is not one of them, for the simple reason it is
slow, clunky and has crap file format support for anything outside of
JPEG format.

The Ubuntu Developers clearly have no understanding of this sector of
technology and the IT industry and that sector being
digital/photographic imaging. And if they did, they would ditch F-Spot
and replace it with a suitable and "real" image management package.
There are alternatives out there that have been mentioned 100 times
already (which I'm not going to mention again). The developers seem to
either have their hands full with other projects or are walking around
with curtains over their eyes.


Chris Jones <linuxdyna...@comcen.com.au>

Linux Dynamix Foundation

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