Am Sonntag, den 11.09.2016, 19:30 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 12:52:14 -0400, Tom H wrote:
> > 
> > do you really think that this is the best use of ubuntu-devel-
> > discuss@?
> Does somebody need 32 bit support?
yes ... as i said in my opening mail, people using proprietary software
that only runs in 32bit multiarch (think steam, i don't think there is
actually 64bit client). 

and someone else asked if there are still 32bit boards in production
... yes they are .. in the embedded world they are even very prominent
and with snappy ubuntu offers an install image for such devices.

snappy as well as multiarch setups base on deb packages from the
archive. so 32bit *packages* will not go away any time soon, at least
for the above package-sets.

also ripping out 32bit builds from debian-installer would be some
effort vs. just having it build the netinst and mini.iso 32bit binaries
along with the rest, so i guess there will even be an installer
(despite not officially supported)

i doubt though that we will have supported ubuntu-desktop package sets
or fully fledged isos for 32bit in the future.


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