Am Sonntag, den 11.08.2019, 12:00 +0300 schrieb Mike:
> This option should provide much more interoperability between
> different Linux distros. Say, some enterprise software is only
> available in rpm-packages, but the binaries inside are runnable on
> any
> Linux x86_64 system, you can just unpack them or install with
> "alien".

how would apt know if or if not these binaries can run on any x86_64
linux ? 

to support such a use-case of being able to install distro independent
software (proprietary or not) snap packages were created ... 

if you have such an rpm with statically compiled binaries inside i'd
rather suggest to invest the few minutes it takes to create a
snapcraft.yaml to quickly roll a snap package of this software than to
put unexpected (and broken by design) functionality into apt.


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