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Are each missing the same HDD, or different ones? If you cannot distinguish them by size or similar, you can use smartctl to get the serial number;
     smartctl -a /dev/sda | head

will print some data about /dev/sda, including its serial number. I
presume you can get the same out of Windows using the Disk Manager
tool Liam mentioned, or perhaps by right-clicking on a drive and
choosing 'Properties'.

They are both missing the same one.

The fog is beginning to clear. By the look of things Windows 7 is on the 500GB drive and Xubuntu is on the 250GB drive. Why did this happen? I always thought that when making a dual install the Ubuntu OS went on to the same drive as Windows and this is what I want - operating systems on one drive each in its own partition and the other drive for storing data and so on. This is how it was before I started the new install, Windows XP Pro and Xubuntu 12.04 on the 500 GB drive.

I realise that I have lost some data but most of it was backed up so that can be recovered but, how do I reinstall Xubuntu 13.04 so that it is on the 500GB drive and the two operating systems and their application in separate partitions?



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