Hi there,

For a project I'm working on I use the openssl libraries on an embedded platform. The platform uses an alix cpu and to get a small image file I compiled a linux kernel with the uclibc instead of the glibc.

When I try to generate export a key with pkcs12 I get the following error message:

root@ccn-node1:~ # cat <<EOF >openssl.cnf
> # This is not really relevant because we're not sending cert requests anywhere
> # but openssl req can refuse to go on if it has no config file.
> [ req ]
> distinguished_name= req_distinguished_name
> [ req_distinguished_name ]
> countryName= Country Name (2 letter code)
> countryName_default= AU
> countryName_min= 2
> countryName_max= 2

root@ccn-node1:~ # openssl req -config openssl.cnf -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -keyou
t private_key.pem -out certout.pem -subj /CN="CCND-internal" -nodes
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'private_key.pem'

root@ccn-node1:~ # openssl pkcs12 -export -name "CCND" -out /var/tmp/.keystore - in certout.pem -inkey private_key.pem -password pass:'th1s1sn0t8g00dp8ssw0rd.'

Do I have to change the compile settings or is there something missing in uclibc used by the openssl libraries?


Tobias Schmid
uClibc mailing list

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