I was searching for standard C++ library for AVR platform and have found
Then I've looked through it and quite liked the realization. But I
have a question about exception handling in case if exceptions are

Suppose I call operator new(std::size_t numBytes) and malloc returns
NULL. Then std::__throw_bad_alloc() is called. And, as far as I have
exceptions disabled folowing code is executed:

_UCXXEXPORT void __throw_bad_alloc(){

According to documentation:

void abort (void) The abort() function causes abnormal program
termination to occur. This realization disables interrupts and jumps
to _exit() function with argument equal to 1. In the limited AVR
environment, execution is effectively halted by entering an infinite

But this is not what I want. I know that things went bad and I want to
reset device immediately instead of waiting until watchdog does it. If
__throw_bad_alloc() instead of abort() called std::terminate() I could
set up special terminate handler and have any behavior I need. And
std::terminate seen a better option than abort() because we actually
have an uncaught exception (nobody can cat exceptions when they are
disabled) or exception during throwing exception (because they are

Can this be done or am I missing something?

Another issue is that at least on avr port there is no realization for
std::terminate. So I've written it. But it seems, that normally it
would be added from gcc by src/abi/libsupc/Makefile which is missing
in AVR port. Do I understand things right?


Attachment: terminate.patch
Description: Binary data

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