Today on --- Wednesday September 13, 2006 --



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In today's issue: 


* First Bright Galaxies Formed Very Rapidly 

* Water Worlds: Astronomer Predicts Many Earth-Like Planets 

* Pluto is Now Just a Number: 134340 

* Image of the Day: Saturn Hides the Rings



* Spacewalk Sets Stage for ISS Solar Array Deployment

* Griffin to Go to China: But What Will He Accomplish When He Gets There? 

* NASA Craft Settles Into Mars Orbit 

* STS-115's Rock, Knob and Third Solar Array 

* NASA: No Extra Heat Shield Inspections for Shuttle Atlantis 

* Busy Day Follows ISS Arrival for Atlantis Astronauts 

* NEW! Daily Space Trivia 


* Vote for the Freakiest Lab Animals

* New: Lightning Strikes: The Best of Your Amazing Images 

* NEW: Life's Little Mysteries: Why Does Jell-O Jiggle?

* Tenacious Neanderthals Held Out in Pockets 

* Warmer Winters Cause Remarkable Loss of Arctic Sea Ice

* Since Mendel: From Counting Peas to Fluorescent Pigs

* Vote: Fantastic Tales: Urban Legends Debunked

NEW! Cool Stuff: 

* New Gallery: STS-115: Atlantis's Launch Day

* NEW! Tom Jones Podcast #1: Emotional Astronautics

* LIVE NASA TV Video of STS-115 Mission to the ISS

* VIDEO: Extreme Living: On Earth and Other Worlds

* Vote: The Best Space Movies

* Gallery: Great Mountains of The Solar System

* Sky-High Technology: A Multimedia Adventure

* Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space


* Uplink, TV and NightSky 

* Starry Night, TeamSETI 



* First Bright Galaxies Formed Very Rapidly

The first bright galaxies in the universe apparently formed very rapidly, 
jumping from just one or so in number to hundreds in the span of little over 1 
percent of the universe's age, astronomers find.

* Water Worlds: Astronomer Predicts Many Earth-Like Planets

To most common terrestrial dwellers, there's no place like Earth. But new 
simulations show that many Earth-like planets might exist outside of our solar 

* Pluto is Now Just a Number: 134340

Pluto has been given a new name to reflect its new status as a dwarf planet.

* Image of the Day: Saturn Hides the Rings

Saturn's B and C rings disappear behind the immense planet. Where they meet the 
limb, the rings appear to bend slightly owing to upper-atmospheric refraction. 



* Spacewalk Sets Stage for ISS Solar Array Deployment

Two spacewalking astronauts freed a new piece of the International Space 
Station (ISS) to rotate independently from the rest of the 233-ton orbital 
laboratory, paving the way for the deployment of two solar arrays this week. 

* Griffin to Go to China: But What Will He Accomplish When He Gets There?

NASA chief, Mike Griffin, is preparing for his first-hand look at China's 
growing space program—a visit slated for month's end. 

* NASA Craft Settles Into Mars Orbit

The most powerful spacecraft ever sent to Mars has settled into a nearly 
circular orbit, a move that allows scientists to begin studying the planet in 
unprecedented detail, NASA said Tuesday. 

* STS-115's Rock, Knob and Third Solar Array

The upcoming deployment of two wing-like solar arrays outside the space station 
has been the focus of astronauts and flight controllers, but there is one more 
power-producing array on-board Atlantis that lies hidden - for now - from the 
public's view.

* NASA: No Extra Heat Shield Inspections for Shuttle Atlantis

The six-astronaut crew of NASA's shuttle Atlantis will not have to wedge extra 
inspections into an already packed flight to the International Space Station 
(ISS), NASA officials said late Monday. 

* Busy Day Follows ISS Arrival for Atlantis Astronauts

The six-astronaut crew of NASA's shuttle Atlantis had little time to rest after 
reaching the International Space Station (ISS) Monday, and immediately began 
delivering massive new pieces of the orbital laboratory. 

* NEW! Daily Space Trivia

One of Today's 5 New Questions: During what year was the first satellite, 
Sputnik 1, launched into Earth orbit?



* Vote for the Freakiest Lab Animals

Some genetically altered creatures are loaded with human cells and even organs. 
Others glow. Vote for the freakiest.

* New: Lightning Strikes: The Best of Your Amazing Images

Spectacular flashes submitted by LiveScience visitors!

* NEW: Life's Little Mysteries: Why Does Jell-O Jiggle?

Why Does Jell-O Jiggle? Find out, and return daily for investigations into the 
world around you.

* Tenacious Neanderthals Held Out in Pockets

Neanderthals might have held out in isolated refuges for thousands of years 
longer than previously thought, scientists reported today.

* Warmer Winters Cause Remarkable Loss of Arctic Sea Ice

A pair of new studies shows that winter sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk 
dramatically in the past two years and that perennial ice in particular is 

* Since Mendel: From Counting Peas to Fluorescent Pigs

The father of genetics, a monk who spent eight years counting 300,000 peas, 
would not recognize some of the freaky things going on today.

* Vote: Fantastic Tales: Urban Legends Debunked

We invite you to vote on your favorite and most broken-telephoned urban legends 
out there. 


NEW! Cool Stuff:

* New Gallery: STS-115: Atlantis's Launch Day

NASA's shuttle Atlantis rocketed spaceward with six astronauts and the future 
of the ISS aboard.

* NEW! Tom Jones Podcast #1: Emotional Astronautics

Astronaut, planetary scientist, and former B-52 commander Tom Jones discusses 
intimate ideas of faith, family and spaceflight with's Dave Brody. 

* LIVE NASA TV Video of STS-115 Mission to the ISS

Tune in to NASA TV for full coverage of Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-115.

* VIDEO: Extreme Living: On Earth and Other Worlds

Life thrives in Earth's harshest places. Could it exist elsewhere?

* Vote: The Best Space Movies

Is your favorite space movie on the list?  Find out now!

* Gallery: Great Mountains of The Solar System

Climb up the planetary peaks of our solar system's biggest mountains.

* Sky-High Technology: A Multimedia Adventure

Hubble's Legacy and the Future of Telescopes. 

* Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space

Now you can decide which is most bizarre.


* SpaceTV: 

* NightSky: 

* Uplink: Share your opinion! 


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-- choose between Beginner, Backyard, or Pro! 



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