Bonjour à tous,

Jeudi 29 Janvier de 10h00 à 14h00 Oracle organise une journée de training virtuel sur les sujets suivants :

Systems admins for Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux, or Oracle VM can join this FREE virtual event and learn how to: Create and manage ZFS pools and filesystems, safely update and restore your system using Boot Environments Create and manage a virtualized Oracle Solaris environment using Oracle Solaris Zones and Network Virtualization Install Oracle Linux using RPM and yum repositories; create storage volumes, prepare block devices, work with filesystems Create and mount Btrfs in Oracle Linux, work with block devices and snapshots Plan and deploy a virtualized infrastructure environment with Oracle VM Virtualize and deploy enterprise applications in minutes using Oracle VM Templates

    EMEA -  Tuesday January 29th, 2013 -  10:00 a.m – 14:00 pm CET

La participation à cet évenement est totatellement gratuite. Il vous suffit de vous enregistrer en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous :

Bonne journée,


* François Napoleoni | Pre-Sales Consultant *
Office: + 33 1 57 60 84 60 | Cell: +33 6 85 83 09 50
Oracle Hardware Line of Business - Sales Consulting
15 Bld Charles de Gaulle, 92700 COLOMBES

Software. Hardware. Complete. <>

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