Mr. Bwanika,
I cannot believe you are capable of stooping this low!!!
The attack on Mr. Roy Walker was completely unjustified and uncalled for. Mr.Walker or 
any other non- UGANDAN has as much right to be on Ugandanet and to post whatever he 
wishes as part of his contribution.
If you did not agree with the article he posted at least be civil enough and state why 
without personal attacks and uncalled for judgements/conclusions. From the very 
beginning of this forum, I have known it to be for Ugandans and Friends of Ugandans.  
I would not even mind if enemies to Ugandans are aboard. It never hurts to listen to 
what they have to say and agree to disagree.
It is people like you with a tunnel/narrow idea of the global world that are 
contributing to the misery all over the world. Why can't we all learn to get along. 
After all we belong to the same race, the HUMAN RACE.
We as Africans have so much to learn from the Africans in USA/African Americans. 
Furthermore, if we as Ugandans plan to fight and end imperialism or colonialism, 
oppressions and exploitation whatever terms one chooses to use, we will need not only 
Ugandans, other Africans and the Africans all over the globe.
I have unsolicited suggestions to advance: Next time you do not like a posting from 
anyone on this forum----USE the DELETE KEY. It is handy and the person who posts such 
article would not mind what you do in your computer. It would benefit you to be on 
Ugandanet  with an open mind. The glory of Ugandanet is the wide range of postings 
members contribute. We can all learn something; so please do not spoil it for the rest 
of us by attempting to intimidate the posting you disagree with. You have actually 
embarrassed all of us particularly Ugandans on the forum. Finally and foremost, I 
emplore you to apologize to Mr. Roy Walker and any other non-Ugandans as well fellow 
Ugandans on this forum for abusing them with such response to a posting that was meant 
to open up our eyes.

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