Go To Camps, Acholi Urged

By James Odong
GULU LC5 Chairman Lt. Col. Walter Ochora has made a passionate appeal to the people of Acholi to go to the protected camps for their own safety.

“Those who are already in the camps should remain there and those who are still in the villages should go to the nearest camp for their own sake,” Ochora appealed.

Discussing the northern conflict on the Capital Gang Saturday, Ochora blamed the recent gruesome massacres in Pader and other places on the failure by the population to listen to the UPDF’s advice to move away from their homesteads into the camps.

“People outside the camps are the ones being killed. Most of these unfortunate massacres in Acholi have taken place where the population has gone against UPDF advice to live in the camps,” he said.

He admitted that the living conditions in the camps were not the best, but hastened to add that to save their lives, the population should bear the temporary difficulties.

Meanwhile, Dennis Ojwee adds that seven more abductees were on Thursday evening rescued by the UPDF in yet another attack on rebels at Olwal village in Kilak County, west of Gulu town. Fifteen others were rescued from Aswa County the same day, bringing the total to 24 in Gulu alone. The rescued abductees included children between 12 and 14 years old.

On Wednesday alone, a total of 30 abductees were rescued by UPDF troops at Alele-Lele in Alero sub-county, Nwoya, and in Ajulu villages, Patiko sub-county, Aswa.

This brings to about 443 the number of abductees rescued by the UPDF since September 2.

Published on: Sunday, 10th November, 2002

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