Joint Christian Churches Call for Mass Recruitment

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New Vision (Kampala)February 27, 2004
Posted to the web February 27, 2004
Alfred Wasike

The Uganda Joint Christian Council has called for a national recruitment drive to beef up the army following the recent LRA carnage in which more than 200 internally displaced people were massacred.The prelates have also commended the creation of militia groups to fight the rebels.
Condemning the February 22, 2004 killing of 200 people by the LRA at Barlonyo camp in Ogur sub-county, Lira, the UJCC said, "

The UJCC commends all those Ugandans who in this difficult circumstances, have joined militia groups to fight Joseph Kony's LRA. We consider this to be an ad hoc measure that cannot be sustained, especially in the face of the ever rising challenge being posed by the LRA.""In the circumstances, the UJCC calls upon the Government to undertake a national recruitment in order to enable the army to attain a level of strength that can enable them to respond effectively to this national challenge.

"The statement was signed by UJCC chairperson, Archbishop of the Uganda Orthodox Church Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga and his two vice-chairpersons, Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala and Archbishop Henry Orombi of the Church of Uganda.The prelates also urged, "In the circumstances, the UJCC calls upon the Government to urgently deploy UPDF soldiers in sufficient strength and with adequate weaponry to enable them guarantee the safety of people living in the protected camps in all parts of northern Uganda.

We call upon the Government to take its constitutional obligation of protecting life and property more seriously."Quoting from the Bible in John 14:27 that "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you", the clerics stressed, "The UJCC wishes to join all peace loving Ugandans in condemning, in the strongest possible terms the perpetuators of this heinous crime against humanity and extending heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and the people of Lango in general.

"They recommended that the Government "recommit itself to the policy of dialogue and reconciliation", extend the amnesty law that is due to expire in March 2004 and invite the international community to intervene in the conflict to secure a peaceful solution.They noted that the recent massacre followed hot on the heels of the February 4, in which the LRA killed more than 40 people at Abia, Lira.

They regretted that the killing of innocent people in internally displaced people's camps "has become a frequent occurance" although "the Government assured the people that a similar incident would not happen again."

The clerics warned that the refusal by the Government to renew the Amnesty Act after March and the International Criminal Court plan to investigate the LRA's crimes against humanity "would signal an end to the spirit of reconciliation and may lead to a general escalation of violence in northern Uganda."The UJCC appealed to the LRA to abandon their policy of indiscriminate violence and embrace dialogue.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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