How the West turned blind eye despite general's 'genocide fax'
(Filed: 06/04/2004)

Alec Russell, who covered the aftermath of the massacres, reports

A little over 10 years ago, Maj Gen Romeo Dallaire, the French-Canadian commander of a United Nations peacekeeping force in Rwanda, sent an urgent telegram to Kofi Annan, then UN head of peacekeeping, in New York.

It should be pinned up in the foreign ministries of the West as a permanent reminder of the most ignominious episode in late 20th-century foreign affairs.

Gen Dallaire's message in January 1994 is now known as the "genocide fax". Villages were awash with imported machetes, he cautioned.

Rwanda had become so militarised that extremist Hutus could "exterminate up to 1,000 in 20 minutes".

He was just about right in his analysis of the efficacy of the machete against minority Tutsis. As Hutu militiamen soon found in that blazingly hot April 10 years ago, even the most muscular of forearms needs a rest. Once the genocide was in full swing Hutu militiamen would often take breathers, flanked by heaps of corpses and "pens" of waiting victims, and offer passers-by the chance of some freelance butchery.

But Gen Dallaire's prescience and grim utilitarian accuracy were scant comfort for the targets of the genocidaires. His cable was buried. The West turned a blind eye. And for 100 days the Hutu extremists had their way as western spokesmen bent over backwards to avoid using the emotive term genocide which they feared would trigger calls for intervention.

There are many factors in the West's reluctance to intervene to stop the killing. Europe was fixated by the civil war still raging in Bosnia. America was haunted by the "Black Hawk Down" debacle in Somalia six months earlier, when the deaths of 18 American soldiers led to a rapid and ignominious withdrawal of American forces.

The international media were for a while not fully focused on the tragedy as the world was celebrating the handover of power in South Africa.

Mr Annan, as he conceded last week, did not press hard enough. But the real failure, as Richard Holbrooke, one of Bill Clinton's senior officials, said last weekend in the Washington Post, was a "failure of will and a failure of courage" by the western powers.

Four years after the genocide, Mr Clinton visited Kigali and claimed that he was not fully aware of the scale of the horror.

But as Gen Dallaire said at the time, the UN had been beating the drum for months for more troops - and as the recent release of contemporary intelligence reports has confirmed, the western powers knew exactly what was happening in Rwanda.

By early July, when the genocide was over, Gen Dallaire was a broken man. Wild-eyed, he roved the UN headquarters in the capital, Kigali, fulminating at the West's cowardice and "racism".

He was convinced that a swift detachment of a further 2,500 soldiers could have prevented the genocide. This, after all, was not a heavily armed, anarchic state like Somalia. There was a well-organised, state-run mass murder, largely committed by machete, hoe or club.

A key moment came early on when 10 Belgian peacekeepers were killed by Hutu extremists when trying to rescue politicians from a mob. It was a moment worthy of Evelyn Waugh's bleakest satires. The peacekeepers were ordered to disarm to avoid provoking the mob. They were promptly chopped up by machetes.

In a stroke, all the old western caricatures of Africa were reinforced and so there was little outcry when America demanded a full UN withdrawal. Then, even as the horror started to dominate front pages, American officials deleted the word "genocide" from UN statements.

The West did finally intervene - but on the wrong side. The French sent several thousand elite troops. But it soon emerged that their primary role was to protect the remnants of the Hutu government, a traditional client of Paris, from the Tutsi-dominated rebels who swept in from Uganda in the last weeks of the genocide, and now remain in power.

If Gen Dallaire was a saddened and embittered man, so too were the French colonels who entertained passing correspondents in the "French zone" and openly conceded that they had never expected to be defending genocidaires.

Over the next few days we can expect endless promises of "Never again". Gen Dallaire is not so sure that the West would intervene in the event of a repeat. "Rwandans simply don't count," he said.

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