Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:23 AM
Subject: [Mwananchi] Re Tony Blair thinks we are all daft : Maybe the British are?

On the contrary, the British public are in fact NOT daft, certainly
as far as the invasion of Iraq is concerned! If you cast your mind
back you will recall the British were ANTI War and marched in large
numbers to demonstrate just that. They are STILL Anti War and come
the general election next year, Tony Blair and the Labour party will
be made very much aware of the fact! He and the party have had a
taste of public opinion this week, with the results of the local and
European elections showing large losses in the number of seats held.
The majority of us know that Tony Blair made a grave mistake in
following George Bush into Iraq. Bush had his own agenda on Iraq and
why Blair could not see that remains a mystery when the rest of us
had no doubt that an invasion should NOT take place. Now the Defence
budget is to be cut, no wonder with all the wasted billions being
poured in to the Iraq situation. I imagine that as far as Blair was
concerned, he only saw how evil Saddam Hussein was, and not much
further. We all concur with the fact that Saddam was evil but it was
still no reason to go to war.
Conclusion: The British people are NOT daft!

Politicians think we are all daft

I have noticed that when people are given political responsibility,
tend to assume that the electorate is extremely ignorant of how to

Politicians, especially those in power, have got a feeling that the
electorate have no constructive ideas and are so stupid not to
believe in
their lies.

Here are a few of the things that suggest we, the electorate, are
stupid in
the eyes of the politician: *Here in the United Kingdom, Prime
Tony Blair, after his failure to show the weapons of mass destruction
Mr Saddam Hussein allegedly had, now informs the House of Commons
that when
he was presenting his case for war, the 45 minutes that he said
Saddam would
be able to launch weapons of mass destruction was misinterpreted by
Parliament and the public. What he actually meant, Blair said, was
Saddam was capable launching battle weapons, implying that Saddam was
capable of launching machine guns, tanks, rockets, name it. But which
country does not have this?

*Another example: Look at Ugandan ministers who are moving around
trying to
sell the “third term”, citing leaders like the late Mobutu Sese
Seko and
Col. Muammar Gadhafi who have ruled their countries for up to three
and wondering why not Museveni!

Yet it is the same politicians who made that Constitution. Now, if
they don’
t respect the Constitution they made, who will they respect? We the
electorate are either narrow-minded to believe their narrow-minded
interests, or they are brainless to start believing that we the
shall just take in whatever rubbish they say.

Noah Kiwanuka,
United Kingdom.

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