By Tom Maliti
GULU, Uganda

   Through the dense brush of Uganda's northern savanna, Patrick made a desperate 
flight for freedom. Kidnapped five years ago at age 13 by rebels calling themselves 
the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), beaten regularly and forced to maraud through 
villages in a pack of boy soldiers, Patrick decided he would rather die than take part 
in another massacre.

   "If I lost weight, I was beaten, and yet they never gave us food. We received 
beatings over petty things," said Patrick, whose surname is withheld to protect him.

   The 18-year insurgency, a chess piece in a broader conflict involving Sudan, Uganda 
and their respective rebellions, is wilting under a government onslaught, and a peace 
deal is in sight, the Ugandan government insists. It says scores of rebels — from 
adolescent foot soldiers to senior commanders — have broken away from the group in 
recent months.

   But the Rev. Carlos Rodriguez, a clergyman mediating between government and rebels, 
is among many skeptics, saying international intervention is needed. "It will be very 
difficult to solve this problem with local resources," he said.

   The LRA is one of Africa's most mysterious and murderous rebel groups. Its leader, 
Joseph Kony, claims to be possessed by a spirit sent by God to liberate humanity, but 
has no stated aim aside from overthrowing Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.

   The rebels make daily raids into villages in the north, chopping off arms, lips and 
ears and carting away a human loot of girls to turn into sex slaves and boys to 
replenish their ranks.

   The rebellion dates to the late 1980s, when the Ugandan government began supporting 
the southern-based Sudan People's Liberation Army in its battle with the government in 
Khartoum, and the latter gave the LRA bases from which to raid Ugandan villages.

   Since then, aid agencies estimate, more than 30,000 children have been kidnapped, 
more than 23,000 people killed and 1.6 million — a third of northern Uganda's 
population — driven into refugee camps.

   After Sudan and Uganda normalized relations in 2001, Ugandan troops were allowed to 
enter southern Sudan and flush out Kony's rebels. But the short-term effect was more 
misery for northern Uganda: LRA legions poured back into the country, slaughtering 
families and torching villages.

   There are reports that senior Sudanese officials continue to buy the LRA's loyalty 
with money and arms, but the Ugandan army has been making significant inroads against 
the rebels.

   Last month, it announced it had captured Kony's<B> </B>chief bodyguard and killed a 
senior commander and an intelligence officer during a raid on a rebel hide-out in 
southern Sudan.

   "The rebels are being finished. ... We are now dealing with the nucleus. We are 
shattering the nucleus of terror," army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza said after the 

   But critics point out that the Ugandan army has made similar triumphant claims in 
the past after killing or capturing rebel commanders, yet the fighting continues.

   The government "is not capable of ending this war by shooting it out," said Zachary 
Olum, a northern Uganda lawmaker.

   New York-based Human Rights Watch says that as Uganda has stepped up its war on the 
LRA, rebel kidnappings have multiplied fiftyfold from 100 children in all of 2001 to 
5,000 between June 2002 and March 2003.

   But as Kony deputies defect to the government side, the LRA has been dispatching 
envoys from rebel camps in the bush to talk to Mr. Museveni's representatives.

   In one positive sign, Ugandan diplomat Joseph Ocwet announced in late August that 
he had contacted three LRA commanders and discussed the prospect of initiating peace 

   A big obstacle, however, is that there is little to negotiate; the LRA has no 
agenda beyond dreams of a nebulous theocracy. While talks founder, thousands of boys 
and girls snatched from their families have lost their childhood in horrendous 
violence and squalor.

   Patrick is among the lucky ones.

   One day in May, he simply decided he had had enough. He escaped near the village of 
Palac, and met some villagers. They took him to an army unit, which brought him to a 
reception center in Gulu, the main town in northern Uganda, for debriefing.

   Days later, social workers managed to reunite him with his family.

   Now he says he is eager to recover his five lost school years.

This article was mailed from The Washington Times 
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