Last updated : 04 Oct 2008, Kampala

P.O.BOX 37047, KAMPALA PHONE/FAX:+256-41-236748 

As you know, the leading Western economic powers especially America and 
countries in Western Europe are in the deep of a financial crisis that has far 
reaching consequences for the whole world. Big merchant banks, insurance 
companies and associated companies are collapsing every day, literary crumbling 
like a pack of cards. People who borrow to finance home purchases are unable to 
pay. There is a growing global credit crunch.

The government of Uganda has watched these worrying economic trends, which 
started with astronomical increases in the prices of fuel and food, with an 
aloof attitude. Indeed President Museveni celebrated the rise in food prices 
arguing that Uganda farmers would reap high prices. He did not know that the 
increase in prices of oil and food would trigger a general rise in the cost of 
living and lead to the current 14% p.a. inflation. Uganda peasants have yet to 
benefit from the increase in food prices. Instead they are the victims of high 
inflation and unbearable cost of living. 

The financial meltdown in the United States of America and Europe is not 
accidental or unforeseen. It is the result of their governments' abandonment of 
basic economic planning and regulation to the altar of a free market. It is 
capitalism run amock. With the collapse of socialism in the 1990, the promoters 
of the unregulated market had all the ammunition to push for the removal of any 
regulation of the excesses of the free market. 

The result was that what were called Smart Chief Executives in the financial 
industry resorted to maximizing returns on investment not in production of 
actual goods but in the manufacture of financial instruments that were traded 
in primary and secondary markets. A house mortgage by banks, became tradable 
commercial papers for speculative trading by investment and merchant banks, 
insurance companies and other smart dealers. With time the layers of 
transactions, projects and interest based on few physical assets (houses) 
became unsustainable. The day of reckoning had come. 

With the liberalization of the Uganda economy, which effectively meant 
privitisation of state enterprises, retrenchment of public servants leading to 
massive unemployment and out sourcing of work ordinarily done cheaply by public 
servants. Uganda joined the free world of smart investors or speculators. The 
people who have amassed wealth in Yoweri Museveni's regime are not the 
producers of real wealth but the smart dealers and the corrupt who supply to 
government and its agencies at exaggerated prices and then speculate in real 
estate diving prices of land especially in Kampala to levels beyond the reach 
of the working people. NSSF has joined this property speculation. 

The working people who have been pushed to the wall, have now been enticed by 
the basically unregulated banking industry, especially the ever mushrooming 
micro credit institutions to borrow to acquire homes and several times for 
ostentations consumption (including lavish weddings) in imitations of the 
dealers. It is only a question of time when large scale defaults will lead to 
an unprecedented credit crunch in Uganda. The earlier economic boom under the 
NRM ended with the collapse of Tefee Bank, Greenland Bank, International Credit 
Bank, Cooperative Bank, Trust Bank, and the near collapse of Uganda Commercial 
Bank and Uganda Development Bank. 

The Uganda Peoples Congress as a social democratic Party firmly believes that 
the strength of an economy is in the quality and quantity of its production of 
material goods, the quality and quantity of its work force and how the income 
derived from such production is distributed. While free enterprise should be 
encouraged to free up and utilize the competitive energies of all productive 
people, there must be safeguards and regulations to ensure that competition 
does not turn into corrupt speculation and exploitation of workers and 
consumers. This is the thrust of our economic and social philosophy. 

To day we are seeing the US government feverishly intervening in the market to 
save America's mortgage, banks and insurance companies from the clutches of 
Wall Street. This is what the NRM government should be prepared to do to save 
our peasants and workers from the so called unregulated investors and smart 
businessmen, read conmen. In May 1969, UPC intervened in the market to save 
Uganda's interest, the world condemned UPC then and UPC was overthrown with the 
help of the British government of the day. Today, George Bush and Gordon Brown 
have realized that nationalization as a government intervention measure is a 
necessary action in their present circumstances to save the world collapsing 
economy. UPC has been vindicated. 

The UPC calls upon the people of Uganda to examine the economic realities of 
our country and demand a return to proper economic management, away from 
excessive consumerism and unregulated credit that is bound to lead to economic 
ruin. Since the NRM government has demonstrated utter inability to change the 
economic course of this country, the UPC calls upon the people of Uganda to 
support it in its call for economic reform. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY 


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