Ten years after the ‘Berlin patient,’ doctors announce a second person has
been effectively ‘cured’ of HIV

By Kate Sheridan <https://www.statnews.com/staff/kate-sheridan/>
@sheridan_kate <https://twitter.com/sheridan_kate>  

March 4, 2019 

Timothy Ray Brown (L), also known as “The Berlin Patient”, considered the
first person to be cured of HIV. GERARD JULIEN/AFP/GettyImages 

For the second time, doctors appear to have put HIV into “sustained
remission” with a stem cell transplant — effectively curing the recipient.

Their work, which was published in Nature and will be presented at the
annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle on
Tuesday, may encourage scientists working on new gene therapies based on
similar principles and give hope to those living with the infection.

The case comes nearly 10 years after Timothy Ray Brown announced he was the
so-called “Berlin Patient” — the first person who was functionally cured of
HIV and able to stop taking antiretroviral drugs after an intensive round of
chemotherapy and radiation and two bone marrow transplants.

The person who received this latest transplant in London has not taken
antiretroviral drugs since September 2017; he is not identified in the

“Those of us in the field have been waiting for a second cure via this
approach,” said Dr. Keith Jerome, one of the leaders of HIV cure research at
the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. “As long as Timothy Brown was
the only [one], we’d have always wondered if there something unique about

Jerome was not involved in the research published Tuesday.

The researchers behind the paper are from an array of British, Spanish,
Dutch and Singaporean institutions; the lead author is Ravindra K. Gupta
1, who is affiliated with the University of Cambridge, Imperial College
London, and University College London.

Experts caution that this news should not be interpreted as having found a
cure for everyone with HIV.

“It doesn’t change things for the average person with HIV right now,” said
Dr. Bruce Walker, the director of the Ragon Institute
<http://www.ragoninstitute.org/> 3, a research institute affiliated with
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard, and MIT that specializes in
HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases. (Walker was also uninvolved with the
Nature research.) “It does change things in terms of the research agenda,
because it further indicates that this is a potentially viable pathway
forward to achieve a cure.”

That potentially viable pathway runs through a receptor called CCR5. CCR5 is
one of a handful of receptors that HIV can use to get into a particular kind
of cell.

Those cells, called CD4-positive T-cells, are vital to a person’s immune
system. “You can sort of think of [these] cells as the generals that are
helping to orchestrate an effective defense,” Walker said. “If they’re not
there, things tend to go haywire.”

Some people have a particular mutation in the genes that encode the CCR5
receptor that prevents the HIV virus from using it to get in to these
T-cells — and no entry means no infection.

The person whose case is described in Tuesday’s paper got a transplant of
the stem cells that produce blood and immune system cells — typically found
in a person’s bone marrow — with this mutation from a donor; about 10
percent of people
39> 6 in some Northern European countries naturally carry the mutation.

Like Timothy Brown, this person’s transplant happened as part of his cancer
treatment. After doctors diagnosed him with an advanced case of Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, the person went through chemotherapy and a transplant from a donor
picked in part for his or her CCR5 mutation.

Unlike Brown, though, this person’s cancer treatment didn’t involve
full-body radiation, and his chemotherapy was also far gentler. That’s
encouraging, but Walker, the Ragon researcher, noted the risks from even
this regimen were still too great to offer these kind of stem cell
transplants outside of cancer treatment. Given that the life expectancy for
people with HIV on antiretroviral medications has increased dramatically —
and, one study found
<https://www.statnews.com/2017/05/10/hiv-life-expectancy-study/> 7, is now a
nearly normal one, “there’s a very high bar for subjecting people to any
additional risk,” he said. “This wasn’t without risk, but was much less

The CCR5 mutation’s virus-blocking power can be simulated with a drug. Since
2007, Viiv Healthcare, a joint venture initially formed by Pfizer and
GlaxoSmithKline, has marketed a drug, called Selzentry in the United States,
that prevents HIV from using the CCR5 receptor by binding to the receptor

But that drug has the same issues that most drugs have: it needs to be taken
every day. “Just like any other suppressive therapy for HIV, as soon as a
person stops taking the drug, the virus comes roaring back,” said Fred
Hutchinson’s Jerome. In an ideal world, the treatment for HIV would look
more like Luxturna, a recently approved gene therapy for a form of blindness
that <https://www.statnews.com/2018/03/21/gene-therapy-luxturna-launch/> ’s
injected just once9 into a person’s eye, and less like Lipitor.

“The beauty of a transplantation or a gene therapy approach targeting CCR5 —
that’s the kind of thing that looks like you can do it once, and then the
person’s cured,” Jerome said. “They don’t need to worry about the virus any
more, they don’t need to worry about their access to drugs or remembering to
take it every day.”

The most infamous gene therapy experiment targeting CCR5 is undoubtedly He
Jiankui’s, which created human embryos
me-editing-summit/> 10 — and, later, actual children — with a CRISPR-mutated
CCR5 gene. His announcement triggered a massive backlash from scientists,
ic-rules/> 11, and the Chinese government
nding/> 12.

Less controversial gene editing work is ongoing, too. Sangamo Therapeutics,
for example, is working on genetically editing T-cells and stem cells
<https://www.sangamo.com/pipeline> 13 to carry the CCR5 mutation. According
to the company’s pipeline chart, that treatment is in early-stage clinical

Tuesday’s paper — and the concept of using CCR5 as the basis for future
treatments — comes with caveats. For one thing, not all HIV viruses use CCR5
receptors to get into a cell; viruses that use other co-receptors exist,
though they’re rarer. And even if a treatment can stop the virus from
infecting new cells, it tends to linger in previously infected ones.

“The virus may still be hiding out someplace and it may come back 10 years
from now,” Walker noted. “You can never be absolutely certain that a cure
has been achieved.”

But to Jerome, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center researcher, a new
report of even an uncertain cure is meaningful. “It’s a reminder about how
difficult this challenge is and how difficult this virus is to deal with,
but at the same time, it provides hope,” he said.

“Now there’s not one, but two people that others living with HIV can look
toward for encouragement,” he added.

Kate Sheridan <https://www.statnews.com/staff/kate-sheridan/>  

General Assignment Reporter

Kate is a general assignment reporter. 

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