Pentagon awards first border wall contracts for diverted funds

By TBy Tal Axelrodal Axelrod <>  

The Pentagon
announced Tuesday it had awarded nearly $1 billion in contracts to build
<> President Trump’s border wall,
with the construction set to end in October 2020.

Texas-based company SLSCO Ltd. was granted a $789 million contract for
construction in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, which falls within the El Paso
sector of the border. The Army Corps of Engineers also awarded Montana-based
Barnard Construction Co. $187 million to build barriers in Yuma, Arizona.

Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a spokesman for the Department of Defense, said in a
statement to The Hill that the El Paso contract would help pay for “30-foot
bollard fencing and a five-foot anti-climb plate” and that the Yuma contract
would build “18-foot bollard fencing and a five-foot anti-climb plate.” 

The Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The

It had previously been reported that the Department of Defense intends to
install 46 miles of additional barriers at El Paso and 11 miles of fencing
at Yuma.

The contracts mark the first funds the Pentagon has doled out after Trump
declared a national emergency in February to reallocate billions of dollars
in federal money to construct additional barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The funds for the contracts come from the nearly $1 billion that was
repurposed from Army personnel accounts to help supplement the 284
counter-drug account that authorizes border barrier construction. The money
is separate from the $3.6 billion in military construction funds that the
national emergency also reprogrammed for the wall. 

The reallocation of the funds has angered some lawmakers on Capitol Hill who
have threatened to bar the Pentagon from transferring money in the future.

Trump in recent days has doubled down on his immigration policies, touting
progress on wall construction, floating new measures to curtail migrants’
paths to asylum and accepting the resignations of several of the Department
of Homeland Security’s top staffers. 

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
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