The Mueller report just left egg on Democrats’ faces 

By Abe Greenwald <> 

April 18, 2019 | 8:29pm 

Robert Mueller Getty Images 

They wanted it, and they got it. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on 
Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election has been released 
 , and it confirms — yet again — what everyone except liberal conspiracy 
theorists already knew: President Trump’s campaign and Russia didn’t collude. 
Good news: We still elect our presidents! 

Yes, Trump once taunted Russians to find Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails. 
  Yes, Trump’s inner circle took a meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer. And 
yes, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and others have been charged with crimes. These 
things look bad and, to varying degrees, they are. But they don’t add up to any 
kind of Kremlin–Fifth Avenue conspiracy to subvert democracy.

In fact, Trump’s election is now the most verifiably legitimate election in 
history. No other campaign has endured the kind of scrutiny that the Trump team 
has withstood. For nearly two years, 19 lawyers and 40 investigators questioned 
some 500 witnesses worldwide. They issued 500 search warrants and 2,800 

Here are some key findings from Mueller’s report: “The investigation did not 
identify evidence that any US persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated 
with” a Russian social-media campaign aimed at exacerbating our political 

Nor did the Trump campaign work with the Russians who hacked the Democratic 
National Committee. Investigators, finally, “did not establish that members of 
the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its 
election-interference activities.”

We knew all of this already. Attorney General William Barr said as much in his 
March 24 letter, 
  not that it made a dent in the paranoid theories of die-hard anti-Trumpers.

“Undoubtedly, there is collusion,” Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said after 
Barr’s letter was made public. “We will continue to investigate the 
counterintelligence issues.”

Have fun with that.

Sen. Cory Booker, meanwhile, kicked off his 2020 presidential bid with a speech 
tying the president to Russian meddling. “From 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to the 
Kremlin, we know what their strategy is,” he said. “It is to pit us against 
each other for their own gain . . . That is how they win.”

No, Senator, Trump won this time by having his name cleared in a thorough 
special-counsel probe.

Has Trump somehow turned his enemies on the left into masochists? What else 
explains their eagerness to relive their own humiliations? Every day for two 
years, they said that Mueller was closing in on Trump. Then, when Barr 
­announced that collusion was a bust, they demanded to read it ­directly in the 
special counsel ­report. Now that that’s done, what comes next?

Undoubtedly, they will move on to the question of whether or not Trump 
obstructed justice. On that, Mueller’s report is more murky. It cites several 
incidents that could be seen at least as Trump’s attempting to hinder the 
probe. But the report states, “Based on the facts and the applicable legal 
standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report 
does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not 
exonerate him.”

That’s more than enough of an opening for anti-Trump activists to jump through. 
And when they jump, they’ll head right over a cliff.

If Democrats and Never Trumpers attempt to make an obstruction case against a 
president who’s been wrongly accused — by them — of conspiring with Russia, 
they’re going to humiliate themselves once again. 

Justice has been served. There was no underlying crime. The Trump campaign 
didn’t collude with Russia, and that’s been demonstrated.

And if Donald Trump actually ­exceeded his executive authority in one of his 
impulsive outbursts about getting rid of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions 
or in his actual firing of former FBI Director James Comey, Mueller’s report 
would have simply nailed him for it. But it’s not so simple. Donald Trump is 
the chief executive, and executive authority flows from his person.

Then, too, the anti-Trump crowd has talked a lot about the threat that the 
president supposedly poses to cherished norms. But he never fired the special 
counsel, and the investigation was completed.

Mueller was the left’s hero. He was supposed to deliver them from a Trump 
presidency and set their world right again. If they now ­reject his findings, 
they’ll be party to a process more damaging than anything Trump has done in the 
course of this ­investigation.

Abe Greenwald is senior editor of Commentary. Twitter: @AbeGreenwald

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