Adam Lally wrote:
> On 5/25/07, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would like to revive the discussion that started with
> I still have the same concern about this that I posted to the previous
> thread:
>    I think Michael is onto the same point that concerns me.  To use this
>    feature, components have to agree on what variable names they are
>    going to use.  So we're creating another kind of dependency that I
>    believe should be documented in the capabilities.  Sure, people could
>    build this themselves already, but if we make it built-in then we're
>    strongly encouraging its use and should consider all the implications.
>    If we had more expressive capability spec (so you could say I
>    create/require an instance of type FsVariable with name="Foo") then
>    that might be a way to go.
> Thilo replied:
>> I guess we could do that in addition. How would you imagine this would
>> work?
>> I'm mainly addressing a practical problem here, and want to give
> people a viable
>> alternative to modifying the DocumentAnnotation. I think this
> approach is fairly
>> forward-compatible as well, in the sense that it can later be
> strengthened with
>> descriptor-based integrity constraints.
> Actually I'm not happy about making the capabilities more complicated
> to handle this.  I'm not sure the benefits of global variables
> outweigh either (a) making the capabilities more complicated or (b)
> adding/encouraging another set of implicit agreements between
> annotators that aren't declared anywhere.
> Let's go back and think about the DocumentAnnotation use case.  Users
> can already declare their own document metadata type and add it to the
> indexes.  Now that we have default bag indexes this is easy to do even
> if their document metadata type does not extend annotation.
> I think this is most of the way towards addressing the issue.  What
> remains are (a) providing convenient access to a single indexed
> object, without going through an iterator, and (b) enforcing that
> there is only ever a singleton instance of a particular type.
> Another suggestion for addressing these issues:
> void CAS.indexSingleton(FeatureStructure aFS) throws CASException
> FeatureStructure CAS.getSingleton(Type aType) throws CASException
> The former is defined to throw an exception if the index over
> aFS.getType() is non-empty (for this view - we can have a separate
> "singleton" for each index repository - I think that is what we want
> for DocumentAnnotation), and otherwise to add aFS to the indexes.
> The latter is defined to throw an exception if there is not exactly
> one instance of aType in the indexes for this view, and otherwise to
> return the one instance.
> I like this better since it doesn't introduce yet another "name space"
> that annotators have to agree on amongst each other.

That approach is too brittle for my taste.  An annotator writer would
declare a type that is meant to be a singleton, but there's no way to
enforce this.  One careless annotator that creates a second instance of
such a type, and the whole analysis chain stops working.  With my approach,
at least the bar is a bit higher.


> -Adam

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