"Sylvain Faivre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I submitted a modified script for French updates a few months ago,
> and Pat had plans to have multiple files to download the required
> updates for different languages (instead of just adding other
> languages' URL's in the files like win2ksp4-updates.bat).

Where did you submit this script, Sylvain?  I seem to have misplaced
it (sorry)...

> However, I'm not quite sure how this turned out. Maybe Patrick can
> clarify things about this when he gets back (I think he's away for a
> few days right now).

I was considering rewriting the prepare script, but I have mixed
feelings.  Keeping all the URLs for each hotfix in the same place is
handy.  But keeping all the configuration for each language in the
same place is also handy...

Anyway, my indecision/laziness is no reason to reject useful
contributions.  Patches which improve multi-language support will be
gratefully accepted, as long as they do not break anything :-).

If I ever do redesign the mechanism, it will be my job to split the
configuration into separate files.

 - Pat

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