Jordan Share writes:
> Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:
> > He asked a question about dealing with .dll files; I have tried the
> > method documented in KB275334 and it seems to work:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > It should be possible to automate these steps, but not at install time
> > because the share is read-only.  Maybe if I get bored one day I will
> > take a crack at it...  Meanwhile, your best bet is trial and error, as
> > you surmised.
> Yes, I have read that KB article.  It says, "The correct OEMDIR 
> destination can be found by searching the INF file used to install the 
> device or driver."
> But, when you search the INF file, it only has numeric codes for the 
> destinations.  I have empirically determined that (for one of these 
> files, anyway) "12" corresponds to "$oem$\$$\system32".  (It may also 
> "just work" to have that file in there, due to it being on the path, or 
> some such thing).
> I'd like to find out if anyone has a pointer to the breakdown of what 
> each numeric code means.

The destination is defined by the [DestinationDirs] section in the inf file.
You can find the information you're looking for here:

Dag Nummedal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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