Hi, I've just installed 1.7.1 on Unbuntu 18.04.  I disabled systemd-resolved, 
kept resolved.conf commented out and deleted the symlink version of resolv.conf 
and created a new file with the same name and "nameserver".  I 
believe this was all that was needed to put Unbound back in charge of all 
resolution responsibilities while not breaking any basic networking 
infrastructure.  Notwhithstanding the (considerable) problems below, i does 
seem to work with systemd-resolved closed down

There are two things strange going on at the moment.  If I try to start it with 
systemd (systemctl start unbound.service) it just hangs.  Nothing gets written 
to the unbound log but I pick up this from the syslog - oh and FYI, in the 
unbound.conf, I specify 'systemd: yes and daemonize: no' and swap them around 
when I run it as a straight demon, see below:
May 20 20:34:16 [  ] systemd[1]: Started Unbound DNS server.
May 20 20:34:16 [  ] unbound[2931]: May 20 20:34:16 unbound[2931:0] error: 
can't bind socket: Permission denied for
May 20 20:34:16 [  ] unbound[2931]: May 20 20:34:16 unbound[2931:0] fatal 
error: could not open ports
May 20 20:34:16 [  ] systemd[1]: unbound.service: Main process exited, 
code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 20 20:34:16 [  ] systemd[1]: unbound.service: Failed with result 

I've checked netstat (-tulnp) and there's only ever an ipv4 port for 
sshd and the same for ipv6.  Here's my systemd:

Description=Unbound DNS server
LimitNOFILE = 65536
ExecStart = /usr/local/sbin/unbound -c /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
ExecReload = /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
User = unbound
Restart = always
RestartSec = 360
ExecStop = /bin/kill `/bin/cat /etc/unbound/var/run/unbound.pid`
WantedBy = multi-user.target

Now this isn't the end of the world as I can run 'unbound' and that'll get it 
going.  It starts doing it's thing but at some point (I don't know if it's a 
regular period), I get the following in the unbound log:
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] fatal error: services/mesh.c:847: 
mesh_detach_subs: assertion mesh->num_detached_states + mesh->num_reply_states 
<= mesh->all.count failed
I have no idea what this is about but it shuts the daemon down immediately?!?

Anyway if anyone can help that would be great.  Here is my conf file (I went a 
bit overboard, perhaps that's where the trouble is) and the log file - FYI, 
there seem to be an unusually high number of errors this evening.  Sorry for 
the length - wasn't sure about pasting into emails...

chroot: "/etc/unbound"
username: unbound
pidfile: "/etc/unbound/var/run/unbound.pid"
logfile: "/etc/unbound/var/log/unbound.log"
verbosity: 2
use-syslog: no
log-time-ascii: yes
log-queries: yes
interface: ::1
port: 53
do-ip4: yes
do-ip6: yes
do-udp: yes
do-tcp: yes
access-control: allow
cache-max-ttl: 14400
cache-min-ttl: 600
outgoing-range: 8192
num-queries-per-thread: 4096
do-daemonize: yes
use-systemd: no
hide-identity: yes
hide-version: yes
identity: ""
version: ""
minimal-responses: yes
target-fetch-policy: "3 2 1 0 0"
harden-short-bufsize: yes
harden-large-queries: yes
harden-glue: yes
harden-dnssec-stripped: yes
harden-referral-path: yes
harden-below-nxdomain: yes
harden-algo-downgrade: yes
aggressive-nsec: yes
prefetch: yes
prefetch-key: yes
use-caps-for-id: yes
unwanted-reply-threshold: 10000000
root-hints: "/etc/unbound/root-hints"
auto-trust-anchor-file: "/etc/unbound/root.key"
module-config: "validator iterator"
edns-buffer-size: 4096
max-udp-size: 4096
val-sig-skew-min: 3600
val-sig-skew-max: 86400
val-clean-additional: yes
val-log-level: 2
val-nsec3-keysize-iterations: "1024 150 2048 500 4096 2500"
control-enable: no

May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: ntp.ubuntu.com. A IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ntp.ubuntu.com. A IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:83eb::30 port 53
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: ntp.ubuntu.com. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ntp.ubuntu.com. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ntp.ubuntu.com. A IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns4.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns3.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns4.dynamicnetworkservices.net. 
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns2.dynamicnetworkservices.net. 
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2a02:e180:8::1 port 53
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ubuntu.com. NS IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns2.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ntp.ubuntu.com. A IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <ubuntu.com.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for 
ns4.dynamicnetworkservices.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <dynamicnetworkservices.net.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ns2.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <dynect.net.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ubuntu.com. NS IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ns4.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <dynect.net.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for 
ns2.dynamicnetworkservices.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <dynamicnetworkservices.net.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ubuntu.com. NS IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <ubuntu.com.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ntp.ubuntu.com. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns2.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ubuntu.com. NS IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns1.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns2.dynamicnetworkservices.net. 
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving ns4.dynamicnetworkservices.net. 
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ntp.ubuntu.com. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <ubuntu.com.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ns1.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <dynect.net.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: response for ns3.p27.dynect.net. AAAA IN
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <dynect.net.>
May 20 03:13:23 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: response for . DNSKEY IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: prime trust anchor
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: generate keytag query _ta-4a5c-4f66. NULL 
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: validate keys with anchor(DS): 
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: Successfully primed trust anchor . DNSKEY 
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving _ta-4a5c-4f66. NULL IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: validate(positive): sec_status_secure
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: validation success . DNSKEY IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: response for _ta-4a5c-4f66. NULL IN
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 04:22:17 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was NXDOMAIN ANSWER
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: response for . DNSKEY IN
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: prime trust anchor
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: generate keytag query _ta-4a5c-4f66. NULL 
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: validate keys with anchor(DS): 
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: Successfully primed trust anchor . DNSKEY 
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] info: resolving _ta-4a5c-4f66. NULL IN
May 20 06:21:35 unbound[1715:0] fatal error: services/mesh.c:847: 
mesh_detach_subs: assertion mesh->num_detached_states + mesh->num_reply_states 
<= mesh->all.count failed
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] notice: init module 0: validator
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] notice: init module 1: iterator
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: start of service (unbound 1.7.1).
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: priming . IN NS
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for . NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: priming successful for . NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving h.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving i.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving j.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving k.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving l.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving m.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving . NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: prime trust anchor
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving a.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving b.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving c.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving d.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving e.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving f.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving g.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving h.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving i.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving j.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving k.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving d.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving e.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving f.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving g.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving l.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving m.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving b.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving c.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving a.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validate keys with anchor(DS): 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Successfully primed trust anchor . DNSKEY 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validate(positive): sec_status_secure
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validation success . NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving root-servers.net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving g.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving h.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving i.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:eea3::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:1ca1::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:eea3::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving j.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:d937::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:8cc::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:d414::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:7094::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:1ca1::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving k.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:a83e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving l.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving m.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:8cc::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving a.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving b.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:231d::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:39c1::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving c.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:d414::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:7094::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving d.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving e.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:eea3::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving f.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving g.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving h.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving i.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving j.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:d2d::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:39c1::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving c.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:231d::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving d.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving e.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:d414::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:83eb::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving f.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving k.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving l.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:d937::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving a.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving b.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:a83e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving m.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:d414::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:39c1::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for root-servers.net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:231d::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av2.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:1::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av2.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving net. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av1.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av1.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for root-servers.net. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av1.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:a83e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av1.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving nstld.com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:8cc::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:502:1ca1::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:231d::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av4.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av4.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av3.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving av3.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:eea3::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validate(positive): sec_status_secure
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validation success net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av1.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av2.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av1.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:d2d::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:127::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av2.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av4.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DS com. DS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av3.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:127::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av2.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for nstld.com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av3.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:124::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:126::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av4.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:127::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av1.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av3.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av4.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validated DNSKEY com. DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validate(positive): sec_status_secure
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validation success com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for i.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for g.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for l.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av4.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av3.nstld.com. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for nstld.com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is 
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av1.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2d::d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validate(positive): sec_status_secure
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: validation success . DNSKEY IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fe::53 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:dc3::35 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for d.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:12::d0d port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2::c port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:ba3e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:a8::e port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:126::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:127::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving gtld-servers.net. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for e.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for m.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:200::b port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for f.root-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for b.gtld-servers.net. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for k.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:2f::f port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:c27::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for h.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av2.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:503:a83e::2:30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:501:b1f9::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av2.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:500:125::30 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: resolving nstld.com. NS IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was DNSSEC LAME
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: error sending query to auth server 
2001:7fd::1 port 53
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for a.root-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for av2.nstld.com. A IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <nstld.com.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for c.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: response for j.gtld-servers.net. AAAA IN
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.net.>
May 20 20:47:22 unbound[3244:0] info: query response was ANSWER
May 20 20:53:15 unbound[3244:0] info: service stopped (unbound 1.7.1).
May 20 20:53:15 unbound[3244:0] info: server stats for thread 0: 0 queries, 0 
answers from cache, 0 recursions, 0 prefetch, 0 rejected by ip ratelimiting
May 20 20:53:15 unbound[3244:0] info: server stats for thread 0: requestlist 
max 0 avg 0 exceeded 0 jostled 0
May 20 20:53:15 unbound[3244:0] info: mesh has 0 recursion states (1 with 
reply, 0 detached), 0 waiting replies, 0 recursion replies sent, 0 replies 
dropped, 0 states jostled out

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