Thanks!  This is great advice.  I will do my best to take it back to my 
Andrea :)

--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Dana Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Dana Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Understand] My thoughts on Ch. 2
To: "listserve" <>
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 6:23 PM

Andrea -

I think, too, it is important for them to realize that stopping while reading
and using the different comprehension strategies are the TOOLS that will take
them deeper.  Stopping to ask a question about a character, stopping to infer
something the author didn't state, stopping to determine what is important
about a character's actions, etc.  And not just using the strategy itself,
but then taking the time to ask "What do you understand NOW that you
didn't understand before you asked that question/made that

Maybe slowing down to think about why they are using the strategies and how it
is helping them....

This has helped in my classroom - even when they are reading independently. 

Good luck!
Dana Murphy
5th grade teacher of students who are learning to SLOW not PLOW  :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Andrea Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Special Chat List for To Understand: New Horizons in Reading Comprehension
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:54:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Understand] My thoughts on Ch. 2

Hi everyone,
Today I had to struggle for some understanding in my reading instruction.  I
met with several partner groups.  We have been doing a character unit and they
are studying various aspects of character as they read the same chapter book as
their partner.  They have talked about the book, journaled about their
characters, etc.  I met with some of the strongest readers in my class.  We
were having sort of a partner conference about their book.  The books were on
grade level which shouldn't be a problem.  As I discussed with them I
noticed that as I asked them "deeper" questions about the main
character in the book they looked back at me with blank stares.  They could
talk all about what "happened" in the story and retell, but they
weren't thinking deeply at ALL as they read.  I feel like all of my
students are just plowing through their chapter books without truly
understanding what the book is really about.  Grrrrr....  I think this is
impart to instruction they have recieved in the past.  We have been doing read
alouds since the beginning of the year where I model deeper thinking and they do
just fine during read aloud time discussing and thinking in a meaningful way,
but when they get to their own book they PLOW.  So, now I'm going to take a
step back and we are going to do a class investigation into what it means to
truly understand a book.  Any ideas that anyone has to add to this
investigation would be greatly appreciated.
Andrea Lucas
4th grade teacher of students who PLOW
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