I really like Ellin's book of Comprehension assessments. They really help me 
find break downs in strategy needs. There are other things that can impact 
comprhension...poor fluency, lack of vocabulary knowledge---but if this kids is 
in a GT class, those probably are not issues.

I try to use the QRI also...I sometimes notice a pattern in the type of 
questions kids have trouble with. Sometimes they can't answer why 
questions...or questions that require main idea or questions that require the 
reader to infer or to synthesize ideas across texts. If I give several passages 
and look for patterns, that sometimes helps me instructionally to know what 
strategy to teach...

Jennifer Palmer
Reading Specialist, National Board Certified Teacher
FLES- Lead the discovery, Live the learning, Love the adventure.
"Children grow into the intellectual life around them."

Sent: Fri 10/31/2008 4:53 PM
To: understand@literacyworkshop.org
Subject: [Understand] Some Guidance Needed Please!

I have a young man on my sixth grade team who actually is in our GT reading  
class but has very low comprehension. He has been referred for assessment but 
I  need some suggestions of what individual assessment would pin point where 
his  comprehension break down is occurring. I think he needs consistent 
teaching of  how to apply each of  the strategies but I need the assessment 
 before I can make recommendations.This young man is a very hard worker, has  
developed some good compensatory skills, has parents who are going the extra  
mile, but he still needs that strategic instruction which I really think will 
 change his life. All help appreciated.
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