Kapan ya SARS sampai ke Jakarta?
tiap hari khan banyak yang datang ke jakarta ya.
dari batam, singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, hongkong, China, Taiwan, Inggris, Jerman, Kanada, bos di kantorku orang singapore tiap bulan balik ke singapore.
wah bahaya nih. persiapan pencegahan kalo di kantor pake apa ya mas ressa?
mosok di kantor pake masak cuka.... he.he.he...

On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 19:30:13 +0700
 "Novie Yoss Mardian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
selamat datang SARS di batam....Kalo ada yg punya urusan ke Singapore, di hold dulu deh... di batam telah dpt 2 korban.
Di import dari negara sebelah, Singapore.

# yoss

From: "Ressa Yanuardin Widiyatmoko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [UNDIP] waspada SARS!!!
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 07:18:30 +0700

Bpk/ibu dan rekan2 semua, maaf jika surat ini...ah sudahlah

Seminggu ini sedang hangat-hangatnya berita ttg penyakit Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrom (SARS), ratusan org sdh meninggal.
Jadi mendingan baca dulu !!! Untuk mencegah dan waspada dari
penularan...sesudah iitu terserah lah


Adalah Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh Virus
Family Paramyxovirus.


1. Demam tinggi (> 38° C), dengan satu atau lebih gangguan pernapasan:
yaitu batuk, sesak napas, napas pendek, dan kesulitan bernapas.
2. Gejala lain: sakit kepala, kaku otot, tidak nafsu makan, lesu,
kemerahan pada kulit, diare.
3. Satu atau lebih dari gejala berikut:
Dalam 10 hari terakhir sebelum sakit, mempunyai riwayat kontak erat
dengan seseorang yang telah didiagnosa sebagai penderita SARS. (yang
dianggap sebagai kontak erat adalah orang yang merawat, tinggal serumah
atau berhubungan langsung dengan cairan saluran pernapasan atau jaringan
tubuh seorang penderita SARS)
Dalam 10 hari terakhir sebelum sakit, melakukan perjalanan ketempat yang
dilaporkan adanya penderita SARS.


Kasus suspek dengan gambaran foto thorax menunjukkan tanda-tanda
pneumonia atau respiratory distress syndroma atau seseorang yang
meninggal karena penyakit saluran pernapasan yang tidak jelas
penyebabnya dan pada pemeriksaan autopsi ditemukan tanda
patologis berupa "Respiratory Distress Syndroma" (RDS).

Selain demam dan gejala gangguan pernapasan, SARS dapat pula menimbulkan
gejala-gejala sebagai berikut: sakit kepala, kaku
otot, kehilangan nafsu makan, lemah, gangguan kesadaran (confusion),
bercak merah (rash) dan diare.


1. Penderita dengan gejala-gejala SARS haruslah segera melewati triage
untuk dikirim ke ruang pemeriksaan atau bangsal yang sudah disiapkan.
2. Berikanlah masker kepada pasien.
3. Catat dan dapatkan keterangan rinci mengenai tanda klinis, riwayat
perjalanan dan riwayat kontak sepuluh hari terakhir sebelum sakit.
4. Lakukanlah pemeriksaan radiologi (foto thorax) dan hitung darah tepi.
5. Kalau foto thorax masih normal, dianjurkan untuk melaksanakan
kebersihan perorangan, menghindari daerah yang padat penduduknya,
termasuk dalam angkutan umum, dan tetaplah dirumah sampai sembuh.
6. Pasien yang akan keluar rumah sakit, dianjurkan untuk segera
menghubungi dokter apabila penyakitnya memburuk.
7. Kalau hasil foto thorax memperlihatkan adanya infiltrasi pada satu
atau kedua belah paru, dengan atau tanpa disertai infiltrasi
=> Lihat Managemen Kemungkinan Kasus (Probable Case).


1. Kasus ditempatkan di rumah sakit diruang isolasi atau digabungkan
dengan kasus yang sama.
2. Pengambilan sample spesimen pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk membedakan
dengan kasus pneumonia atypik adalah usap hidung dan tenggorok.
A. Sample darah untuk biakan dan pemeriksaan serum
B. Sample Urine.
C. Sample Broncho Alveolar Lavage (Cairan Broncho Alveoli)
D. Pemeriksaan Postmortem jika dimungkinkan.
3. Dianjurkan agar pengambilan spesimen dilakukan setiap dua hari,
beberapa laboratorium bisa memproses spesimen.
4. Memonitor Hitung Darah Tepi setiap dua hari.
5. Foto Thorax sesuai Indikasi Klinis.

Sampai saat ini, efektifitas dari penggunaan antibiotik berspektrum luas
belum bisa dibuktikan dalam mengatasi perluasan
SARS. Ribavirin IV dan steroit dapat menstabilkan kondisi seorang pasien
dalam keadaan kritis.


1. Persiapkanlah segala sesuatu yang bisa dipakai untuk memastikan
2. Catat nama dan rincian informasi dari kontak.
3. Berikanlah nasehat jika ada demam atau tanda-tanda gangguan
3.1.1. Laporkanlah segera kepada dokter.
3.1.2. Dilarang masuk kerja sampai ada izin dokter.
3.1.3. Hindari tempat-tempat umum sampai ada anjuran dokter.
3.1.4. Kurangi kontak dengan anggota keluarga dan kawan-kawan.


WHO menyarankan agar mengikuti rambu-rambu perawatan pasien SARS dengan
cermat dan melakukan tindakan pencegahan penularan melalui
udara, droplet dan kontak perawat-perawat di bagian triage harus cepat
tanggap mengarahan pasien dengan gejala seperti flu ke tempat
pemeriksaan khusus, untuk memperkecil penularan kepada pasien lain di
ruang tunggu. Kasus yang dicurigai harus menggunakan masker operasi
sampai dinyatakan bukan SARS.

Pasien dengan kemungkinan SARS harus diisolasi dan dirawat sesuai urutan
sebagai berikut:
1. Ruang tekanan negatif dengan pintu tertutup.
2. Ruang sendiri dengan fasilitas kamar mandi.
3. Pengelompokan penderita di dalam suatu tempat dengan system ventilasi
udara tersendiri.

Apabila sistem ventilasi tidak tersendiri, maka direkomendasikan untuk
mematikan AC dan membuka jendela agar ventilasi udara menjadi lancar,
tetapi sedapat mungkin, pasien yang dinyatakan SARS dipisahkan dengan
pasien yang dicurigai lainnya atau mempunyai gejala yang sama.

Sedapat mungkin menggunakan peralatan sekali pakai (disposable) dalam
pengobatan dan perawatan pasien SARS. Apabila menggunakan
peralatan yang dipakaii berulang harus disterilkan sesuai ketentuan,
alat-alat harus dibersihkan dengan antiseptik broad spectrum
(bactericidal, fungicidal, and virusidal) dengan khasiat yang talah


1. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS. Radang Pernapasan Akut Yang
Belum Diketahui Penyebabnya
2. Antara tanggal 1 Februari sampai dengan 26 Maret 2003, WHO melaporkan
penemuan suspek kasus SARS di Kanada (19 penderita, 3 meninggal), China,
Taiwan (6 penderita, 0 meninggal), Jerman (4 penderita,0 meninggal),
Hongkong (316 penderita, 10 meninggal), Singapura (74 penderita, 1
meninggal), Thailand (3 penderita, 0 meninggal), Vietnam (58 penderita,
4 meninggal), dan Inggris (3 penderita, 0 meninggal).

HOTLINE: 021 - 6506568 (Instalasi Rawat Darurat RSPI - SS)

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom (SARS)

Situs Resmi RSPI - SS © 2003
Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta

----- English Message -----

Frequently Asked Questions on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

24 March 2003

Q: What are the symptoms of SARS?

A: The main symptoms of SARS are high fever (> 38° Celsius), dry cough,
shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. Changes in chest X-rays
indicative of pneumonia also occur. SARS may be associated with other
symptoms, including headache, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite,
malaise, confusion, rash and diarrhoea.

Q: How contagious is SARS?

A: Based on currently available evidence, close contact with an infected
person is needed for the infective agent to spread from one person to
another. Contact with aerosolized (exhaled) droplets and bodily
secretions from an infected person appears to be important. To date, the
majority of cases have occurred in hospital workers who have cared for
SARS patients and the close family members of these patients. However,
the amount of the infective agent needed to cause an infection has not
yet been determined.

Q: How should SARS patients be managed?

A: Patients should be placed in an isolation unit. Strict respiratory
and mucusol barrier nursing is recommended. It is very important that
suspected cases are separated from other patients and placed in their
own hospital room. Health care workers and visitors should wear
efficient filter masks, goggles, aprons, head covers, and gloves when in
close contact with the patient. Hospital Infection Control Guidance

Q: What is the treatment for SARS?

A: While some medicines have been tried, no drug can, at this time, be
recommended for prophylaxis or treatment. Antibiotics do not appear to
be effective. Symptoms should be treated by adequately protected health
professionals. As a result of good supportive care, some patients in
Hanoi have been transferred from critical care wards to regular wards.

Q: When will this disease be identified?

A: An international multi-center research project to expedite
identification of the causative agent was established on Monday 17
March. Eleven top labs in ten countries are consulting daily and are
working together to identify the causative agent. Various specimens have
been collected from cases and post-mortem examinations. Laboratory tests
are ongoing and a candidate causative infectious agent is under

Q: How fast does SARS spread?

A: SARS appears to be less infectious than influenza. The incubation
period is short, estimated to range from 2-7 days, with 3-5 days being
more common. However, the speed of international travel creates a risk
that cases can rapidly spread around the world.

Q: Where and when was the first case of SARS reported?

A: On 26 February, a man was admitted to hospital in Hanoi with high
fever, dry cough, myalgia (muscle soreness) and mild sore throat. Over
the next four days he developed increasing breathing difficulties,
severe thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and signs of adult
respiratory distress syndrome requiring ventilator support.

Q: How many cases of SARS have been reported to date?

A: From 1 February to 24 March, 456 cases including seventeen deaths
have been reported. In the early stages the symptoms are similar to
those of many diseases including influenza. Heightened awareness about
the disease, and the vigilance of health authorities around the world,
have resulted in a close watch for suspected cases and rapid and
thorough reporting. Not all of these suspected cases may prove to be
SARS. There are many reports and rumors coming in from around the world,
but quite a few of these will turn out to be normal wintertime activity
diseases like influenza whose early symptoms are similar. The cumulative
number of cases and deaths is continuously updated on the WHO web site.

Q: How many countries report cases of SARS?

A: As of 24 March, cases had been reported from thirteen countries. Of
these, four countries have only imported cases with no documented local
transmission, indicating that the disease is not spreading in these
countries and residents are not at risk.

Q: Is the outbreak in Guangdong Province, China linked?

A: Extensive investigation is under way to better understand the
outbreak of atypical (unusual) pneumonia that began in Guangdong
province in November 2002. Findings from this investigation should help
clarify possible links with cases of SARS.

Q: Could this result from bio-terrorism?

A: There is no indication that SARS is linked to bio-terrorism.

Q: Should we be worried?

A: This illness can be severe and, due to global travel, has spread to
several countries in a relatively short period of time. However, SARS is
not highly contagious when protective measures are used, and the
percentage of cases that have been fatal is low. Since the WHO global
alert issued on 15 March, only isolated cases have been identified and
no secondary outbreaks have occurred.

Q: Is it safe to travel?

A: WHO has not recommended restricting travel to any destination in the
world. However, all travelers should be aware of the main symptoms and
signs of SARS, as given above. People who have these symptoms and have
been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with SARS, or
have a recent history of travel to areas where cases of SARS have been
spreading, should seek medical attention and inform health care staff of
recent travel. Travelers who develop these symptoms are advised not to
undertake further travel until fully recovered.

Q: What is the purpose of a global travel advisory?

A: The purpose of the advisory WHO issued on 15 March is to tell people
what SARS looks like and what they need to report to a physician. The
WHO alert does not recommend cancellation of, or change in, travel
plans. Trade and tourism should not be restricted. The purpose of the
alert is to heighten the awareness of travelers, health authorities, and
physicians, not to restrict travel.

Q: Could this be the next flu pandemic?

A: Tests have not yet conclusively identified the causative agent of
SARS. The possible involvement of an influenza virus was an initial

Q: What does WHO recommend?

A: WHO recommends that global surveillance continue and that suspected
cases are reported to national health authorities. WHO urges national
health authorities to remain on the alert for suspected cases and
followed recommended protective measures.
SARS patients should be isolated and cared for using barrier nursing
techniques and provided with symptomatic treatment.

Q: How can the public keep apprised of the situation?

A: The public is advised to consult the home page of the WHO website:
for daily updates on the outbreak and relevant press releases. More
information is available on the WHO SARS web page which is easily
accessed through the WHO home page or through:
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Many national authorities have
also established web sites with excellent information for both the
general public and the medical profession.

Q: What is WHO doing?

A: WHO, through the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, is
working with its partners to track the global dimensions of this
outbreak and coordinate efforts to quickly identify the causative agent,
improve diagnostic precision, and provide advice on recommended
treatment. WHO works closely with health authorities in the affected
countries to provide epidemiological, clinical and logistic support as

A WHO/Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network team of epidemiologist,
case management, infection control and laboratory experts is assisting
national health authorities particularly in Vietnam. The Hanoi team has
received personnel and supplies from a number of organizations
throughout the world. WHO epidemiologist are also supporting
investigations in Hong Kong and China.

Q: What are the objectives of the international response to the
multi-country SARS outbreak?

A: The over-arching aims of the international response, coordinated by
WHO, are to:

Contain and control the outbreak
Identify the causative agent
Identify effective treatment regimes
Support health care infrastructure in affected countries by coordinating
supplies and additional health care workers if needed
Provide information to health officials and address public concerns

Q: Are there any positive developments?

A: A significant number of cases in Viet Nam, as a result of good
supportive care, have improved. In addition, the global surveillance
system has proven to be a very sensitive and rapid means of reporting of
suspected cases. Health authorities around the world are now alert to
the risk of SARS. Information on cases compiled over the last three
weeks is expected to shed new light on the behavior of this disease.
Secondary outbreaks have to date been avoided since global surveillance
was put in place and rapid isolation of cases undertaken.

© Copyright 2003 World Health Organization

Ressa Yanuardin Widiyatmoko
Traffic Management, Marketing and Sales Division
PT. Televisi Transformasi Indonesia
Jl. Kapt. P. Tendean Kav 12-14A
Jakarta 12790 - Indonesia

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