Sean O Seaghdha wrote:
> Is this just curiosity or are you writing some case-shifting 
> algorithm? 

No, I wish! :-(

It is just curiosity. I am writing some notes about i18n, and I am looking
for examples of "the good old things you can say good-bye to if you're gonna
write code that has to run globally".

> If 
> the latter, many of these questions could be bypassed for some of the 
> combinations of letters as they are unique in initial 
> position (e.g. mb/mB, 
> gc/gC, etc.).  Others are more complex (e.g. an t-éan / an 
> tÉan "the bird").

But what for the case of "h"? Doesn't Irish have words starting by "h",
foreign names maybe?

> Localized word processors???? Where?

What? Apple, nothing? Microsoft (whose world-wide localization center is in
Dublin/B.Á.C.), nothing?

_ Marco

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