Peter> I don't agree that there isn't a problem: the idea that's applied
    Peter> in RFC1766 (at least, in the draft for the next version) is that
    Peter> (a) precedence is given first to ISO 639-1 then to ISO 639-2, and
    Peter> (b) you use the most specific tag that is appropriate to the
    Peter> information. Whether to = {tog, ton} or to = tog or to = ton makes
    Peter> an important difference as to how people should tag data. Also,
    Peter> inventing markup to distinguish languages that aren't adequately
    Peter> distinguished by ISO 639-1 (or 639-2, for that matter) is not an
    Peter> interoperable solution.

My bad.  I forgot to include the xml:humor style sheet.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab            Once you fully apprehend the vacuity of a
New Mexico State University       life without struggle, you are equipped
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL             with the basic means of salvation.
Las Cruces, NM  88003                            -- Tennessee Williams

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